President Donald Trump signed into law legislation that levies new sanctions against Russia and restricts Trump's own ability to ease sanctions in place against Moscow, a White House official said.
The bill is one of the first major pieces of legislation that was sent to Trump's desk, and it represents a rebuke of the President by giving Congress new veto power to block him from removing Russia sanctions.
Even before Trump signed the bill, the measure prompted Russian President Vladimir Putin to retaliate against the US over the new sanctions, which Congress levied over Russian interference in the 2016 US election, as well as Russia's annexation of Crimea and aggression in Syria. Ref. CNN.
Well, that was a witty comeback. The truth is there are places where our interests and Russia's interests intersect. We should work with them there. There are probably more places where they diverge. In the places they diverge that are only of passing interest or importance to us, we should keep our noses out. In those places that are important but not paramount. We should let Russia know and work to maybe find a path where our interests and theirs can maybe come closer. In those few truly strategic areas, we again need to let Russia know that this is line they can't cross. As far as the diplomat being ejected goes, that is really no big deal.
I do not mind our diplomats coming home and I think we should send their diplomats back too. There is a lot that we as a country can do that can remain silent on and not allow Russia or any other country know what we are thinking or doing. Most diplomats listen to what is going on in a country to know what the pulse of that country is and they should be trained to understand the importance of major events that are occurring in the country they are visiting.
And so it begins… the break down of diplomatic relations has been sliding down the hill of despair for several years now, but these most recent acts show that both sides are closing the diplomatic doors and starting seal of all avenues of reasonable communication. This latest move by the US is petty and at best retaliatory, at worst poking the sleeping bear with a sharp stick. It's like the world wants to see WWI!? At best we are entering another cold war, at worst… well I dare not speculate a worse case scenario here. .
International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 11 1.1%