India vs Pakistan - Page 5 of 13

Leaves me to wonder, again, whether the existance - Page 5 - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 19th Apr, 2003 - 12:28am

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India versus Pakistan versus India versus Pakistan - Who Is Right Kashmir - politics - War - Who is right?
Post Date: 10th Apr, 2003 - 12:31am / Post ID: #

India vs Pakistan
A Friend

India vs Pakistan - Page 5

I totally agree that a despot like that has no place in this world. That is why, through the years leaders in so-called Third World countries (I still don't know where Second World nations are wink.gif  ) are assassinated covertly. Thanks to the CIA and such. If you say CIA has been weakened, surely not the rest of such organizations are so too, right? I am sure M1 can be effective in such operations too. And if such an operation was carried out on Saddam, the world would be happier, the Iraqis would cry a little croc tears and move on, and the innocent civillians would live to see their grandchildren.

I am not condoning such actions as assassination of world leaders but if that particular person is so heinous then .... justified I supposed.

So, how come such actions were not taken during the past 25 years? You may say that it is not easy to get near Saddam because of his elite Guards, etc. Ok, but intelligience also said a whole lot of people are ready to overthrow him. Right? And in the past, the CIA has effectively manouvered this modus operandi too. Get locals to do the job, etc. And mind you, they did that during the Cold War era. Now the US is the only superpower so what stopped them from carrying out such operations?

And a fact is also that Rumsfeld and gang ACTUALLY abetted those crimes of Saddam back in the 80's! Why did they turn a blind eye then?

So, is this war that brutally destroyed the whole country's infrastructure (I am not going to talk about the human factor here), flattened a big part of the cities, meant to be seen as a humanitarian effort?

I think it is still wrong to invade another country just like that. There will always be disparity of power among neighbor nations. And one day a new leader emerge and decide he didn't like the less powerful neighbor, so he send his army in to take over.  *Hmmmm, isn't that why the whole world came together to kick Saddam out of Kuwait? ???  And on and on it goes. It will never end.

But what this 'unjust' war has done is made a hero out of Saddam in the eyes of the Arabs. And then, possibly more Osamas are made too.  :(

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Post Date: 10th Apr, 2003 - 10:49am / Post ID: #

India vs Pakistan
A Friend

Pakistan India

[quote]ISo, how come such actions were not taken during the past 25 years? You may say that it is not easy to get near Saddam because of his elite Guards, etc. Ok, but intelligience also said a whole lot of people are ready to overthrow him. Right? And in the past, the CIA has effectively manouvered this modus operandi too. Get locals to do the job, etc. And mind you, they did that during the Cold War era. Now the US is the only superpower so what stopped them from carrying out such operations?[/quote]
Saddam survived over 100 assassination attempts during his reign, planned by the best in the world, including the famed Moussad. He was very clever, a real street fighter.

[quote]And a fact is also that Rumsfeld and gang ACTUALLY abetted those crimes of Saddam back in the 80's! Why did they turn a blind eye then? [/quote]
Make me spit in disgust!
Yes it is true, and a black mark on our honor! What can any of us say about politicians? You can't trust them! That's why we Americans won't give up our weapons! The Arabs  don't trust American intentions? Make me laugh. We trust them even less.

[quote]So, is this war that brutally destroyed the whole country's infrastructure (I am not going to talk about the human factor here), flattened a big part of the cities, meant to be seen as a humanitarian effort?[/quote]
You need to have followed it more closely. That did not happen. Not only is the infrastructure intact, but the "bombing of cities" didn't happen either.

[quote]I think it is still wrong to invade another country just like that. There will always be disparity of power among neighbor nations. And one day a new leader emerge and decide he didn't like the less powerful neighbor, so he send his army in to take over.  *Hmmmm, isn't that why the whole world came together to kick Saddam out of Kuwait? ???  And on and on it goes. It will never end.[/quote]
In principle you are correct.
In practical application, the world has succumbed to a different type of warfare, where nation's leaders fund little terrorist bands who create chaos, then run back to the country that aids them to hide under the cloak of "soverignty".
With our actions in Afganistan and Iraq we have sent a message to the world, both to the terrorists and the countries that support them. "If you hurt our people, we will hunt you down like dogs, even if we have to go into another country and rip it apart".
Right now Iran, Syria, Jordan and North Korea are nervous, thinking they may be next. They will re-evaluate their options, because their leaders aren't stupid.

[quote]But what this 'unjust' war has done is made a hero out of Saddam in the eyes of the Arabs. And then, possibly more Osamas are made too.  sad.gif[/quote]
Not so. I have been listening to al-Jazzera and reports from Egypt. They are ticked off and eating their words.

Hussein is now shown to be what he is, they are embarrased because their call for jihad has been nullified by the Iraqi people themselves.
But the Arab press in general is giving a factual account of events now. Except in Iran and Syria, which, of course are dictatorships just like Saddam's.

10th Apr, 2003 - 1:33pm / Post ID: #

India vs Pakistan History & Civil Business Politics

:nope: Peoples, peoples, don't we have enough threads on Iraq? Please keep this one to its' theme:

[center]India vs. Pakistan[/center]

From the Hindu:

'Pak. in a much worse category'

By Gargi Parsai

New Delhi April 9. The External Affairs Minister, Yashwant Sinha, said today that ``if lack of democracy, possession of weapons of mass destruction and export of terrorism were reasons for a country to make pre-emptive strike in another country, then Pakistan deserved to be tackled more than any other country.''

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3244 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

Post Date: 10th Apr, 2003 - 4:15pm / Post ID: #

India vs Pakistan
A Friend

Page 5 Pakistan India

[quote] :nope: Peoples, peoples, don't we have enough threads on Iraq? Please keep this one to its' theme:

[center]India vs. Pakistan[/center]

From the Hindu:

'Pak. in a much worse category'

By Gargi Parsai

New Delhi April 9. The External Affairs Minister, Yashwant Sinha, said today that ``if lack of democracy, possession of weapons of mass destruction and export of terrorism were reasons for a country to make pre-emptive strike in another country, then Pakistan deserved to be tackled more than any other country.''[/quote]
Not to mention their thriving heroin trade!

18th Apr, 2003 - 11:15am / Post ID: #

Pakistan India

Shall I start a USA vs. pakistan thread now? smile.gif

From CNN:


The United States says it is frustrated with Pakistan's failure to stop
Islamic militants from crossing into Indian-controlled Kashmir.


International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3244 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

Post Date: 18th Apr, 2003 - 3:51pm / Post ID: #

India vs Pakistan
A Friend

India vs Pakistan

This has been nagging at my mind throughout the war with Iraq.
We are not finished in Afganistan. We need more troops there, more expansion into the countryside, more economic support on a civilian level and,
a much closer relationship with Pakistan.
I am convnced that if we work closely with Musharif, we could show him how to open up free elections, stay in power and rid himself of his rivals, who are the radical clerics.
With sufficient leverage, which is money, the heroin trade could be virtually eliminated.

A couple of napalm runs in the spring could solve that problem immediately.

Pakistan offers great opportunity, but the US has been sidetracked by Iraq (Iran?).

Musharif is just as sly a dog as Hussein, but far more practical. He can be worked with.

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18th Apr, 2003 - 4:18pm / Post ID: #

India Pakistan - Page 5

Yes, I think the US rushed too much to go to Iraq when the issue in Afghanistan didn't finish yet. I was watching some images the other day on TV and a lot of women still cover their bodies and faces sad.gif It was really sad to see that again...

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

Post Date: 19th Apr, 2003 - 12:28am / Post ID: #

India vs Pakistan
A Friend

India Pakistan Politics Business Civil & History - Page 5

Leaves me to wonder, again, whether the existance or in this case, the non-existence of oil in Afghanistan made the difference in the rebuilding process. sad.gif

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