I'm on the staff of a jesuit university where I am part of the public relations department. Our goal is to prepare all written materials for our three campuses, including a medical school. My interests are computers, politics, and the care of my cats, which I have two. My oldest has recently been ill with diabetes and my younger by 9 months is a Norwegian Forest cat. She's fluffy and beautiful. The eldest is a domestic but very worthy of the feline race. A bug doesn't get by him under any circumstances. I also enjoy museums which are plentiful in my area and I love traveling to Disneyworld. I'm divorced with one son and not planning to marry again. The single life suits me well. I look forward to messaging on this board and find some interesting and intellectual forums. Thank you for the opportunity to join.
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I don't think that it's strange that I entered atheist since it's truthful. I haven't believed in a supreme being since my freshman year in college. I had to take 6 credits of a humanity and one of them was post-judaism and pre-christianity. After I found out how all religions began it seemed to me that they were all man invented. First there were many gods; the sun god, the tree god, etc. Then someone finally said that's too much trouble, one will do everything. And as time went on, different sects followed one god. Then came Jesus and many, many years, hundreds, the bible was written in different forms, and people became followers: Christians. Someone decided that Mormon was the way to go, the Church of England left Catholicism behind. Now perhaps they might go back. There are so many religions and all have different beliefs. Why not have no belief? I believe in myself that I make my life whatever I can. People are either good or bad. It's up to them to make that happen, not a supreme being. Edited: windychi on 4th Nov, 2009 - 10:37pm
Just looking for some interesting topics to challenge me a little. As for the religious aspect in my work, no one actually ever asked me. They took it as a given that anyone who would work for a catholic university would be catholic. I never interfered with that thought.