Nazarite Vow
Is the Nazarite Vow about the cutting of one's hair that Samson made still enforced today?
Yes, the Rastafarians do make the Nazarite Vow and also are the main group to commit to it nowadays. But there are some whom are actually Christian that commit to it too. I am one of them.
If what theologians say is right about we shall disregard the Old rituals and such; shall we also stop following the Mosiac Law (more specifically the Ten Commandments)? One cannot pick and choose what one decides to say is relevant and not for today. Only God does. Yes, the Vow is a personal choice but it is still allowed to this day. There is no evidence pointing otherwise
Faith without works is dead.
I feel that God wanted me to take this vow. As far as what it entails?
A life of total servitude, no fruit of the vine, no contact with the dead. And I also have chosen a vegetarian diet.
Nazarite, being that the main word 'nazir' means 'separated'; means that I shall be separated unto God. Deny myself, as Christ denied himself. Not please my flesh but nurture my soul.
What profit a man if he gain the whole world but lose his own soul?
Only a fool leaneth upon his own misunderstanding. I put my total faith in God and my life is in His hands. Christ died so that I shall live forever in love. This is my gift to Him. I have given my life in total servitude to Him. Edited: sug on 9th Nov, 2009 - 12:00am
Certainly sounds dedicated, what about service to others such as helping the poor, the needy and the afflicted. It seems that the Bible focuses more in giving to others as a process that saves yourself while at the same time denying yourself.
Yes, I help the poor and what ever else that God's asks of me. I believe in that it is love that I must practice in all that I do. I am not saying that I am perfect or better than anyone else. I am merely stating my goals and such.
What may be what God wants for me, may not be what he wants for you.