Iraq - Disarm - Show Your Arms - War? - Page 11 of 39

QUOTE I think sometimes you and LDS fail to - Page 11 - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 17th Mar, 2003 - 3:29pm

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14th Mar, 2003 - 10:15pm / Post ID: #

Iraq - Disarm - Show Your Arms - War? - Page 11

I got this through the net... wonder if the theory is true about France or if it propaganda:

Chirac & Saddam: business partners

In the 70's, France was helping Saddam Hussein's Irak build a nuclear reactor that would
enable them to develop nuclear weapons.
As France Prime Minister in 1975, Jackes Chirac supported and facilitated nuclear
technology to Saddam Hussein.
In June 7th 1981, Israel destroyed the nuclear reactor in Operation Opera. The World owes Israel for avoiding a criminal as Saddam being able to use nuclear weapons on its neigbors.
France and Chirac still are supporting Saddam Hussein by blocking all efforts to disarm him.
France is the main products and services supplier to Saddam's Irak, with important interests in the oil and telecomunications industries.
After all, Chirac could say,"the customer is always right".

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3244 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

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Post Date: 14th Mar, 2003 - 11:04pm / Post ID: #

Iraq - Disarm - Show Your Arms - War?
A Friend

War Arms Show Disarm Iraq

Surprise, surprise.
Add to that, the billions that Saddam currently owes France, and you might get a bit of perspective about why France is so adamantly against overthrowing him.

Of course the fact that he has killed over a million of his own citizens is irrelevant.

Take a closer look at Germany, Russia and China, and you will find a pattern very much the same.

Hmmm. Of course, no one wants to look at the facts. That is far too boring.

16th Mar, 2003 - 3:32pm / Post ID: #

Iraq - Disarm - Show Your Arms - War? History & Civil Business Politics

Despite our ramblings... its innocent children that suffer... my heart goes out to them.

From Deseret News:

When my Norwegian aunt died a few years ago, my sister, wife and I stumbled on
an old journal while cleaning out her apartment in Oslo. It had belonged to my
mother when she was 13. The year was 1939. She was a young Norwegian girl trying
to cope, as all young teenagers do, with a maturing body and the discovery of
boys. But she also had a huge dark cloud hanging over her life that demanded all
her attention.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3244 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

16th Mar, 2003 - 10:30pm / Post ID: #

Page 11 War Arms Show Disarm Iraq

Oh brothers... do they make fun of everything?

Top 10 reasons for attacking Iraq
A faux-Letterman, satiric reflection of the hot issues at the White
House. By Roderick Nordell

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3244 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

Post Date: 17th Mar, 2003 - 12:16pm / Post ID: #

Iraq - Disarm - Show Your Arms - War?
A Friend

War Arms Show Disarm Iraq

Concerning the Evensen article-
Given the tone of our other exchanges lately, I think I will refrian from comment, lest I draw more diatribe.

17th Mar, 2003 - 2:57pm / Post ID: #

Iraq - Disarm - Show Your Arms - War?


The only things that are of bad taste is zeroing in on a race, color, culture, cussing, speaking about sex and ridiculing a member of this forum unjustly. Other than that your thoughts and expression is welcomed, be it negative. We do not expect everyone to agree. If we did then I would be chief dictator.

Concerning the article, the reason I placed it is was to give various view points. If you notice I place summaries of articles here from CNN, ABC, Arab News, CS Monitor, critics, etc. This way the board truly remains international.

[Begin advertisement]
One thing that makes our forum truly unique is that it is truly international. It does not lean towards any country, race, etc. You will find people here who support Palastine, those that support the Jews... more than just North America, we have from way down under, the Caribbean and Europe.
[end of advertisement]

The Latest!

From CNN:

"¢ President to speak at 8 p.m. EST, will say Saddam Hussein must leave Iraq to avoid war
"¢ Administration official says a 72-hour ultimatum "is in the right ballpark"
"¢ U.S., UK, Spain will not seek second U.N. vote; White House says diplomacy has ended
"¢ U.N. withdrawing inspectors, officials tell CNN
"¢ U.S. officials say they have seen new evidence that Iraq is preparing to use chemical weapons

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Post Date: 17th Mar, 2003 - 3:06pm / Post ID: #

Iraq - Disarm - Show Your Arms - War?
A Friend

Iraq Disarm Show Arms War - Page 11

I think sometimes you and LDS fail to catch when I am in my tongue-in-cheek mode.

Sometimes I put forth slightly sanguine commentary; slightly subtle, a hint of sarcasm, "Don Rickles" type thing.

Probably why I don't do stand-up comedy for a living, eh?

17th Mar, 2003 - 3:29pm / Post ID: #

Iraq Disarm Show Arms War Politics Business Civil & History - Page 11

I think sometimes you and LDS fail to catch when I am in my tongue-in-cheek mode.

Without seeing someone's face or hearing their vocal tone it is difficult. Remember this is an international board so we may not always see or understand the 'humor' in something that someone else does. It is very easy to be misunderstood if you don't...

* Use smiles to butterup what you want to say
* Use ( ) to define your use of a word or statement
* use the offtopic tags to keep the thread 'pure' from text that has nothing to do with the subject.

In these touchy subjects we should use the above to help.

[offtopic]I went to the movies the other day and was suprised at how people were laughing at things that I could not see funny at all, just dumb. Maybe I am getting to old, too bitter, or need a glass of Andrews Liversalts *hehe*[/offtopic]

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3244 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

> TOPIC: Iraq - Disarm - Show Your Arms - War?


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