I see that you are very observant Felipe. I love my country very much and my people but we need to deal with our own problems here at home! Iran is a big concern of mine and I don't see anything serious being done to avoid a nuclear attack.
International Level: Specialist / Political Participation: 43 4.3%
To see a good graphic that shows the best places to hide in a building please have a look at: How to survive a nuclear blast. Note the type of building also affects your protection against radioactive fallout.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3231 100%
Back when I was kid we used to have drills what to do in case of a nuclear attack. We'd hide under our desks and curl up in a ball with our faces buried in our knees that are drawn up to chests. Then they cleaned up the basement in the school and made it a bomb shelter. I'm not sure I'd want to survive a nuclear attack if it's too close though. Dying of painful radiation sickness weeks later or cancer a year or two later isn't appealing.
If there is a nuclear attack I will meet you all down in the Ozarks. I know a couple places I can go there that will be safe from some of the stuff. The idea is getting there. Bring food and ammo as we will need it. I do know that others who are survivalists like me will know how to be safe. Will I need to come pick anyone up?
Yeah, I guess I can add some firepower to this. If we get enough people from these boards we can have a heck of a game of Dungeons & Dragons when we aren't farming, hunting, guarding, or fending off those who want what we have.
Really, surviving the initial blast is more a matter of luck than skill. After the blast if you are in an area where the fallout won't kill you, you have to get to an area where the fallout won't concentrate. Then, it's all about feeding and protecting yourself and as a large a group as possible. I say that because with size comes strength… and you will need strength until some form of government is established.
KNtoranistan… that would be a good country name. And everyone would KNtoranistanians *wink* In truth, this is probably what would happen to this country and around the world. There would be many basically independent groups interacting. Getting into one of these groups quickly would help with survival.