It's the kind survival that plans ahead. If the radio was destroyed, during the day I would use the mirror from the jeep to signal a passing helicopter, and at night launch a flare and pray that the IDF saw it.
I was trying to be funny and point out that preparing for unfortunate possibilities is more helpful than most people realize.
You hear stories of people drinking there own urine in extreme cases. Anybody have any idea if this is a good or bad idea? I was also watching Survivorman on the Discovery Channel? and he said something about some of the cactus will just make you more thirsty which is what I think urine would do. Comments.
International Level: Politics 101 / Political Participation: 0 0%
According to the Wilderness Medical Society, urine should not be used.
Rainwater, dew, and water obtained from solar or vegetable stills are relatively pure. Urine, seawater, or brackish water should never be drunk in a survival situation. Liquid from radiators is contaminated by glycols and should never be drunk. Many plants (such as barrel cactus and travelerÃs tree) and animals (such as the desert tortoise) contain water and can be used in an emergency. |
The Solar Still functions under the general principle of the "greenhouse effect". Solar energy heats the ground by passing through a clear plastic barrier. Moisture from the soil then evaporates, rises and condenses on the underside of the plastic barrier above. The still also has the ability to purify tainted water. In fact, it condenses pure water from just about anything. Even urine will produce clean, drinkable water. (CAUTION: One fluid never to be used is radiator fluid, as its toxins will vaporize and poison the water.) |
International Level: Ambassador / Political Participation: 595 59.5%
Man vs. Wild: You can drink the water from fresh elephant's dung by squeezing it into your mouth to prevent dehydration.
I learned in my time in the desert to carry water with you always. If you run out of water pee in a can or cup like mentioned before and set up a still if you have the means. If you do not have the means then hope you can find a plant or old river/lake bed to dig out some water. Traveling at night is highly recommended but you can still travel during the early dawn or the late evening. Try not to travel during the hours where the sun is more than 45 degrees above the horizon. Keep as many clothes on as you can for that will save your body moisture for a longer period.
Anytime you are planning to go out in the desert make sure people know where you are going and when you will be back. Always take extra food and water in case something happens so you can be assured to survive a bit longer. Also learn about the desert you will be in. What foods are available and what are some of the ways to gather water in case an emergency does arise.