Shutdown Of Trinidad & Tobago
What do you think about the labour movements actions to shutdown Trinidad & Tobago on the 23 and 24 November, 2009? Will that really solve anything? TTUTA has also joined in saying that reflection must be made over the situation of Trinidad & Tobago.
Jb the point isn't that if is going to solve anything the point was to let the government know that we're tired of the crime situation along with other issues but let me tell you that it was a failure and the reason for it is that the people don't care about the country as long as crime doesnt touch them or they can still go to movie towne on Saturdays its all good for them. True?
As far as I know its been 'business as usual' for the most part. Sure some stayed home, but not sufficient enough to make an impact. I think most here are nonchalant with regards to change or in other words they want change but are not willing to invest constructively in making change happen. Sure there are a solid few, but because they are the small minority I doubt the government will feel moved by what they do. A good example of this can be read in the Inflation At 10% where I make comments about the buying practices of locals. The way they buy is the same way they expect change.
You're correct Jb, the majority doesnt care. Wait until Christmas gets closer, people will be shopping like never before. Its funny to see people spending thousands of dollars in presents and food for the season but still living in a tiny rented apartment in a creepy area. The truth is the majority doesnt care. Edited: TriniSpanish on 25th Nov, 2009 - 1:56am