When I read this story I was heartbroken for what this man is going through but at the same time happy to know that he can now communicates with friends and family.
Stuck in the same position every day. Looking at the same ceiling tile every day. You know when the stuck him with needle they didn't care if it hurt or not...heck...he was a veg. People saying things they never would if they knew your could hear. The only thing you have to look forward to and dread at the same time is someone coming into your room and talking to themselves...pure hell!
Thanks for sharing this. I was having a quite depressing day and this lifted me up because sometimes I don't realize how lucky I am. I hope the man on the story can have from now on a decent life with loved ones around.
I bet anyone would go crazy if that happened to them for a week or a month. I can't even imagine 23 years like that. It sort of reminds me of the that drug they use in operations that not everyone falls to sleep with. They end up awake through the whole operation!