Well, to be honest LDS_Forever I don't WANT to move there based on what I have been hearing in these and other posts like it. My wife doesn't want to go with the plan B (plan A is that we get to stay in the states) that I am proposing which is to move to Kingston area of Jamaica. I am trying to keep the whole families well being into mind. I am not too concerned about my personal well being since I am very capable of taking care of myself and God tends to watch my back as well. And on that note God is very capable of watching my children's back as well. However, He does want me to exercise wisdom and caution too. And in this case I think the wise and cautious thing would be to avoid moving to T&T.
Now I hear from my wife that Jamaicans are a violent people and that is one of the reason's why she is afraid of moving there. She also doesn't like their food. Now, I have several very good friends here in the States that happen to be Jamaican and none of them are violent. They go to my church so that is a natural deterrent to violence so I am not sure if they are typical Jamaicans or the exception to the norm. So, I don't know if my wife's prejudices are founded or not. What is your take on this? I would be interested on hearing it.
As for what our plan B is we haven't agreed on one. We have about six months before we are forced to make a decision. Right now we are in the debate stage. I will be using the info in these posts as evidence for and against my position.
Adam, wow if I was you I would avoid Jamaica at ALL costs! The crime there is WAY WORST than Trinidad and Tobago! Have you seen the crime statistics over there? It's absolutely out of control. You would be avoiding a crime infested area like Trinidad and you will be placing yourself in a worst situation!
If you have no choice but to move here, I would suggest Trinidad AND moving to one of the most decent areas which happen to be in the West of Trinidad such as Westmoorings, Goodwood Park, etc but also are the most expensive ones, I mean VERY expensive.
Thank you very much for your opinion in this area. I have family in Jamaica that would be willing to sponsor my wife and I since they own a business and they said that crime isn't that bad in the business area of Kingston and that if we get a home in the wealthier area of Jamaica that it wouldn't be bad. Tell me what you think of this please.
I still think is absolutely crazy (in my opinion). Last year they had 1,600 murders (and I am not counting the breaks in, rapes, etc). I would not recommend it at all.
By the other side, you can use the same money and live in one of the most affluent areas here in Trinidad where they have gated communities and 24 hours security as well as the possibility to be neighbors/befriend other US citizens since the workers at the US Embassy and other countries live in those areas and trust me, once you're in those areas, Trinidad is a completely different country. I won't go as far as to say you will be 100% safe but you will see another side of Trinidad that MOST folks don't see.
Since you have kids, I recommend Westmoorings. They have excellent schools in that area as well. Many foreigners living there too.
Hi Adam. I agree with lds here. Jamaica isn't an option. Come to Trinidad, the crime situation is indeed worrisome but it isn't Jamaica. I live in Westmoorings and I feel very safe here. Edited: TriniSpanish on 26th Nov, 2009 - 3:01pm
Name: Avani
Comments: Wow, my friend that decision or the thread title, is like shooting yourself in the foot and then shooting yourself in the head.
Jamaica crime is worst than Trinidad and even Trinidadians are afraid of Jamaicans.
You will also stand out worst in these Areas, in Trinidad you can get at least away from that depending on the area.
These and only these you should be looking at, you need a min of 300,000USD to live here, that price could get you a town house.
These areas are by far the safest, the most diverse, also highly "prestige" areas, you will not stand out here at all, they are also quite community like, looking out for each other. They are in close proximity of the best Malls, best resturants and it is considered our most affluent and oldest areas.
Goodwood park
Haleland Park
Ellerslie Park
Glencoe *
Long Circular *
ST.Clair (To expensive and I am not so big fan of here)
* - are areas which are nice but the surrounding area is a little bad but not compared to most of the country
Don't let any one entice about anywhere else, trust me alot places are very rural, I heard one guy mention places such as "penal" and others trust me going in these areas you would kill yourself before anyone else, these places are very rural if your American.
Again you will need min 300,000 USD, you might get some for less but you will need to really search.
These are the best areas where you can be safe.
But please no Jamaica and if your not coming into these areas in Trinidad don't bother come.
Name: James
Comments: [In my opinion] There is a reason that around the world Jamaicans are considered little less than violent [people]. They have ruined much of Canada, USA and the UK. They are frankly not welcome. The first arrivals are usually ok (like the Indians), but the families, the children etc. Are no more than thugs. They have huge numbers of one parent families, are welfare dependent, flood the health care systems, decimate decent schools by introducing high levels of violence and low standards and frankly introduce fear and loathing into the communities they inhabit. Jamaicans think this is very cool, but the truth is they just can understand that being despised is different to respect. [..]
James it seems like you don't like Jamaicans. However I always say that when West Indians move to the US or Canada are all seen in the same way they make no distinction between Jamaicans, Trinis, etc.