There are a few things here I could get off topic on, but I won't. Namely why christians have holidays that correlate with pagan holidays.
I will say though that we are living in a different era than when the bible was made (and the bible was made, thus flawed in my opinion) by man.
Man is not perfect, and even if the scriptures are god inspired, they are interpreted and written by man (or woman). With physical words by physical beings, interpreting something spiritual.
That aside we must address the fact that people these days won't simply accept, John said this or Jesus said that. It isn't practical, and won't convince anyone who is wary of christianity.
At this point in christians development I think we need to take a page from Jesus in that when they were going to stone a prostitute, Jesus asked them
I think there is a lot we can learn from the bible. Is the bible flawed? In some cases I would tend to say yes but in only some of the translations that have occurred over time. When you take the original words and change them to make sense to todays language your going to lose some of the meaning in the translations. I think for a book that was written by men many many years ago we can find common ground in it to help us in our daily paths.
I know from studying some of the chapters in the bible I have come to understand things a little more. I read the bible in the king james version to better understand it as I feel the words make more sense as to what their possible original means were. I still find there are words I have to go back and find a better definition about. What I find amazing is the book of revelations. Especially when you look at some of the words and go back to the original words and you find that they are talking about possible nuclear shielding and chariots that spew fire. Is the bible talking about tanks with modern armour or armour that is yet to be discovered? For a book that was written over 1500 years ago we have a lot to learn about it.
Are we living in a different era than the bible? I would say yes we are but that does not mean that the bible still does not have something to teach us.
My concern is that christians are being led down the wrong path. Too many I think are focusing on semantics while the core message is being drownd out. For example if you tell the gay community that they cannot marry because the bible says so. How many people have you just alienated. Perhaps a better approach would be to share Jesus's spirit of love, passion, understanding, forgiveness, and so on. Then they might pick up a bible some time and actually read it with an open mind. Hearing Jesus's words might make them think about what they are doing in thier life.
I guess what I'm trying to say is you can attract more bees with honey. If a man wants to marry another man, this may be wrong. However, if you tell those men that they are going to hell because they love one another you loose them. If you allow them thier sins while offering an alternative, they are more likely, in my opinion, to at least hear the other side. In my experience having an open ear while reading the bible is much more productive than if you are against it from the start.
Marches of angry people against other angry people is not, in my opinion, what Jesus has in mind. I think if we tried to understand one another and from there shared our love for Jesus with them. This would bring a better day then if we were at war.
I see your point. I think that people do need to think about the true meaning of Christ and all that he had to say. But in the same token you can not always turn the other cheek. I do understand the bible is all about forgiveness, love and acceptance but I do not want to see two men or two women getting married. I am not saying that we should march against their choice. I think we need to get out and spread the word as we see and hear it. It is our job to spread the word not tell a person how to live.
Do I disagree with their life style choice? You better believe it I do with a passion and I will do all I can to make sure that they can not marry. Will I treat them any different? No I will not for we all are children in the eyes of the lord and they need to be included in that. I may disagree with their choice just as I disagree with those who want to worship satan. As I disagree with those that feel there is no god. I treat them the same as any other person.
I am one who will go out among the non believers and talk to them about the word of god no matter what their belief. If I get one to listen it will be worth it. because if that one come to know the lord and they do as I do then we are accomplishing something.
To me Jesus is all about turning the other cheek. His constant message of love and forgiveness tells me this.
Also several times he even admitted the common beliefs of his followers were not true. I can name a few:
Prostitutes were to be stoned. - The gift of accenting to heaven was not only for the Jews. - His kingdom was not to be seen (yet).
What is so threatening about these people who have other sexual desires? A porn star can marry another porn star as long as they are of opposite sex. Yet a legitime couple of the same sex cannot proclaim their love for one another. This seems twisted to me.
I am not gay nor do I intend to marry a man. Yet I do not see how we can ignore some men are attracted to other men. This is a fact, we cannot deny that. To deny them the same benefits as a "regular" marriage is craziness.