Is All Well In Zion?

Is Zion - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 23rd May, 2004 - 8:29am

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8th Apr, 2004 - 12:15am / Post ID: #

Is All Well In Zion?

Do you believe the Church has reached a stage it can be happy with or are we lagging behind?

"Our people have passed through oppression and persecution; they have
suffered drivings and every imaginable evil. And out of all of that has
come something which today is glorious to behold."

(Gordon B. Hinckley, "The State of the Church," Ensign, Nov. 2003, 4)

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8th Apr, 2004 - 1:52pm / Post ID: #

Zion Well Is

I think we can be happy with what the Church has accomplished, but this doesn't mean we are perfect or that we should now sit back and do nothing. We as a collective body, have accomplished much with is good and worthy of pride and praise. This is true, even though there is much growth still needed.

I think it is good to acknowledge the good in people and in our Church organization sometimes rather than just focussing on the negative. Yes, we have much more to accomplish and many members have many problems. However, there are also many good things that have been done and many good, faithful members. Life is a journey and so this will always be true. In my opinion, anyway.

8th Apr, 2004 - 2:00pm / Post ID: #

Is All Well In Zion? Studies Doctrine Mormon

No, not all is well in Zion. We have plenty work ahead of us, plenty challenges to overcome and plenty more and serious in our way before the Second Coming of our Savior. We should continue working hard and preparing ourselves, spiritualiy and temporaly. Yes, the Church have acomplished many things but this should not make us feel so comfortable that we do not do anything.

9th Apr, 2004 - 4:14pm / Post ID: #

Zion Well Is

Not all is well in Zion. (Is there an echo in here smile.gif )

Seriously, with all the study I have done into the Last Days, especially in Isaiah, I believe that there are a lot of serious problems in Zion right now. I am sure that I participate, to a large extent, in those problems.

I believe that the Church, as it is now constituted, is Telestial organization, designed to lift people from the Telestial sphere. Before, or during, the building of the city of Zion and the 2nd Coming of Christ, the Church will either be reorganized, or replaced, with a Terrestial organization, designed to lift people beyond the Terrestial sphere.

When you consider that such things as the Baptism of Fire is a Telestial event, and that having your Calling and Election Made Sure is probably a Terrestial event, you might find that not very many people are even actively seeking the Terrestial sphere.

Yes, the purpose of the Church is to guide us to the Celestial sphere. But I firmly believe that it is an individual journey for each person, and no two people will experience it the same way.

22nd May, 2004 - 2:36pm / Post ID: #

Zion Well Is

When you consider that such things as the Baptism of Fire is a Telestial event, and that having your Calling and Election Made Sure is probably a Terrestial event, you might find that not very many people are even actively seeking the Terrestial sphere.

Exactly and that's why not only not all is well in Zion but we need to get out from our comfort zones and do more than just going to Church every Sunday.

22nd May, 2004 - 10:33pm / Post ID: #

Is All Well In Zion?

Although, as has been said, much has been accomplished, I would say that the Church membership is far from united as it should be.

I think many of us are still like the boy Joseph Smith described upon his father's knee who could not comprehend the full breadth of what Zion is and must become. There are great divisions in the Church beneath the surface. We are being tried much more by our modern living than by the physical trials of the Church in the 1800s.

We have been told that immorality, false educational ideas and the flattery of prominent men will be the three spirits that will be most to blame for the apostasy and fall of members in the latter days. These spirits are rife today and hold a powerful sway over many, and probably all of us have had or do have problems with at least one of them. Though one of them is so subtle that we may not be even aware we do have problems with it, a second only a little less subtle; and another not so subtle but deceptively addictive...

And so it is. We claim unity in doctrine, in faith and yet often fail to carry those things over to the whole of our life (the cause of Zion is about the gospel not just the Church) and hence we have many LDS supporting and following things which are not only not in harmony with the gospel but often quite its opposite.

Wo to him who says all is well in zion!


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23rd May, 2004 - 12:29am / Post ID: #

Is Well Zion

dubhdara, excelent views. I gave you 2 charisma points for this post. I meant to give you one but I clicked twice by mistake undecided.gif

Flattery is something I am seeing a lot within the Church and false educational ideas. It is something that really concerns me to the point that this issues are brought to Church as Doctrine! and being teach and all! it is very scary.

23rd May, 2004 - 8:29am / Post ID: #

Is Well Zion Mormon Doctrine Studies

Thanks LDS-Forever,

I wonder if the flattery of prominent women is OK? wink.gif

I've often wondered if that phrase (flattery of prominent men) has reference to both the flattery we receive *and* and the flattery we can give...

The Book of Mormon speaks about those who desire the "praise of the world", could "acceptance" be a word we might use instead of "praise"?

Yes, I've heard some interesting things taught in classes over the years. wink.gif

And as so many LDS are now taught by non-LDS, and especially state schools, the attitudes and beliefs in the Church today are quite disturbing. Many of us have drank deep from the wisdom of the world and pit it against or at least place it as equal to the words of the prophets.

If I were to take a guess at where division will arise in the Church I would say it would be over that eternally-divisive issue of agency. That war continues today on a personal level and can be measured by our attitude toward freedom which itself is reflected in our political beliefs. I think if we were to read the words of the prophets we would see that this has been their concern too.


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