Noah to Jesus. Why did you not intercede? Traitor.
Those who believe in a literal interpretation of Genesis are faced with the reality that Jesus would have been culpable in the genocides of Noah's day.
One is left wondering why man would then be so eager to follow one with the type of morals that allows one to use genocide on humans.
This is submission by fear as explained by the Stockholm syndrome.
I can understand, to a point, how this type of slave mentality started.
I cannot understand how religionists are still with it.
Any mind that thinks of justice issues would have to wonder what a jury would find if Jesus/God ever shows up again.
Would we find Jesus guilty or not?
Could he justify his genocide of man?
Did Jesus just sort of sit back while He/His Father primed the pump, so to speak, in Noah's day, thus making him a traitor to the human race, for darn near bringing it to extinction along with the other --innocent -- animals.
Is Jesus guilty of anything?