Botched Christmas Airline Bombing: A Look at Obama's Handling of the Case and the Media's Coverage
President Obama has acknowledged that a "systemic failure" of the nation's intelligence and security measures paved the way for last week's aborted bomb attack on a Northwest Airlines flight from Amsterdam to Detroit. We take a look at the Obama administration's handling of the case and the media's coverage of it all with Spencer Ackerman of the Washington Independent. Ref. Source 4
To me this seems to me as something that the government let go through to better cow tie the american people and to to further take some of our rights away. I find this whole situation interesting and the more I learn of it the more I wonder how much we are not really being told and how much they are spoon feeding the media to spin it all their way.
Flight 253 passenger Kurt Haskell: 'I was visited by the FBI':
Haskell and his wife, Lori, were aboard Flight 253 when Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab allegedly tried to destroy the plane. They say another man tried to help Abdulmutallab board the plane in Amsterdam. Ref. Source 6
On board with Flight 253
Glenn talked with Kurt Haskell today, a lawyer who was on Flight 253, the same flight a terrorist tried to blow up mid flight. As Kurt was waiting in the seating area to board the plane, something caught his attention. What happened next will boggle your mind as to how in the world this terrorist was ever able to board this plane. Check out the interview from radio today. Ref. Source 9
The more you read on this case the more you have to say that someone was really looking out for the US and those passengers because it certainly wasn't the US protective / security services. Check below: