I read in the Express that Beyonce is coming to Trinidad in February 4, 2010. The tickets cost a whooping $1,600TT, there are some cheap ones being sold as well but I guess that's general admission.
Trinis so desperate that they spend all that money and then complain how things so expensive?
I must confess that I would love to see Beyonce perform live in our shores but $400.00 - $1,600.00 is too expensive for me. When I heard rumours of Beyonce coming to Trinidad, I hinted to my hubby that I would love both of us to go. He ignored all the hints of course. Then when it was finalized and TSTT began to advertise Beyonce coming to Trinidad on 18 February, I openly told my hubby that we should definitely go. Then, my hubby perused the newspapers and pointed out the cost of Beyonce concert tickets: $400.00 an early bird special for general admission and VIP tickets are $1,000 - $1,600.00 I fell silent after hearing these exorbitant prices and my sharp hubby quipped: " I have an idea! Why don't I purchased the CD for you and you can listen to Beyonce all year long!"
Name: Mark
Comments: I love Beyonce I think she's hot but, she is not worth all that money. See to me this is one of the clear examples of capitalism gone mad.
First off I can't believe the Beyonce concert in Trinidad is headline news for TV6. Nevertheless, TV6 says TSTT made millions of dollars in ticket sales in just a few days for the Beyonce concert. Now local artistes are complaining that TSTT never invests 'big' money in them. I wonder... Are local artistes saying they should be comparable to Beyonce in investment?
People as far as Australia bought tickets for the concert so it seems like they are either foreigners or locals living abroad.