Wrestler Triple H pins film roles

Wrestler Triple Pins Film Roles - Movies, Music, Fashion, Sports - Posted: 29th Dec, 2004 - 6:57pm

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Post Date: 18th Sep, 2003 - 2:38am / Post ID: #

Wrestler Triple H pins film roles
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Wrestler Triple H pins film roles

Wrestler Triple H pins film roles

Hoping to fill Hollywood's current action-hero void, World Wrestling Entertainment star Triple H has signed on to a pair of high-profile roles.

He will star in "Jornada del Muerte," a modern-day Western from "Apocalypse Now" screenwriter John Milius, and will battle Wesley Snipes in New Line Cinema's "Blade: Trinity."


What stuck out to me in this article was two things.  One how the WWE seems to be in the background working with the productions of the films that Triple H is acting in.  The other one was towards the end of it, where it talks of the new Blade movie, in which Triple H will co-star with Wesley Snipes.  I'm looking forward to checking out the new Blade movie when it comes out.  I like Triple H, although he's not my favorite, he ranks like second to The Rock.  ;)  

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28th Dec, 2003 - 11:16pm / Post ID: #

roles film pins Triple Wrestler

Wrestlers (in my opinion only, don't knock me) are the worst actors out there. We used to have a joke that actors that can't get good jobs turn to wrestling for 'another way to the top'. However, if they make it they do get better. I guess Arnold is okay now for a weightlifter turned actor and the Roc as a wrestler turned moviestar.

Post Date: 29th Dec, 2004 - 6:01pm / Post ID: #

Wrestler Triple H pins film roles
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Wrestler Triple H pins film roles Sports & Fashion Music Movies

This could be true. Arnold is a very talented actor. But I would have to say that I have only seen one of the Rock's movies and the one I saw, wasn't all that great.

But what I found interesting is how the WWE is working behind the scenes so to speak to bring about some of the roles for the wrestlers to act in.

I used to really enjoy watching the WWE, but it just got to the point where the staging of the moves became very bad and poorly carried out. Which doesn't leave me with much hope of any of the other wrestlers being able to carry on much of an acting career. undecided.gif Of course, this is just in my opinion of it.

It actually seems odd how much my opinion on this has changed since I first posted this thread.

29th Dec, 2004 - 6:15pm / Post ID: #

roles film pins Triple Wrestler

It actually seems odd how much my opinion on this has changed since I first posted this thread.

laugh.gif That sounds like a good thing to me wink.gif

Post Date: 29th Dec, 2004 - 6:57pm / Post ID: #

Wrestler Triple H pins film roles
A Friend

roles film pins Triple Wrestler

Yea, this is true. wink.gif I used to love seeing the WWE live when they would come close to where I live at, but now, I really do not care much for seeing it anymore. Although we got tickets to see it live when they come to Tupelo next month, I may just let Shady take my nephew, instead of me.

> TOPIC: Wrestler Triple H pins film roles


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