Montana Unlimited Assisted Suicide

Montana Unlimited Assisted Suicide - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 23rd May, 2016 - 9:22pm

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Post Date: 1st Jan, 2009 - 4:10am / Post ID: #

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Montana Unlimited Assisted Suicide

Montana Supreme Court Makes State Third to Allow Unlimited Assisted Suicide

Helena, MT ( -- The Montana Supreme Court has officially paved the way for the state to become the third to allow the practice of assisted suicide. The high court considered a case from a now-deceased terminally ill patient who wanted the right to kill himself with assistance from a physician.

The high court did not determine if the Montana constitution guarantees a right to assisted suicide but said nothing in state law or the precedent of the court prevented assisted suicide.

"We find nothing in Montana Supreme Court precedent or Montana statutes indicating that physician aid in dying is against public policy," the high court said in its opinion.

The decision essentially has Montana joining Oregon and Washington as the only three states in the nation to allow assisted suicides. It declared assisted suicide as legal and could prevent doctors from almost any prosecution for engaging in them.

Montana law "explicitly shields physicians from liability for acting in accordance with a patient's end-of life wishes, even if the physician must actively pull the plug on a patient's ventilator or withhold treatment that will keep him alive," the court said. However, assisted suicides in Montana will likely go further as the state doesn't have even basic limitations, restrictions or guidelines in place and the ruling could pave the way for the practice of euthanasia with little or no state oversight. Ref. Source 1

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23rd May, 2016 - 9:22pm / Post ID: #

Suicide Assisted Unlimited Montana

Mercy killing
Original Post Date: 14th Oct, 2010 - 1:27am

What are your thoughts about mercy killing? You could read this case and form an opinion:

international QUOTE
A late-August mercy killing in Libby has generated a broader discussion of Montana's ongoing debate over end-of-life care, steering the focus away from the more controversial issue of physician-assisted suicide. William "Ted" Hardgrove, 81, shot and killed his wife, Swanie, in their Libby home on Aug. 28 before setting fire to the house and shooting himself. According to Lincoln County Sheriff Daryl Anderson, Swanie suffered severe pain as a result of cerebral palsy. Anderson says he'd known the couple for many years and believes Ted Hardgrove acted out of compassion for his wife, also 81. "If you knew old Ted like most of us [in Libby] did, there wasn't nothing domestic about it," Anderson says. "He just didn't want her to suffer." Compassion and Choices, a national nonprofit advocating physician-assisted suicide, released a statement shortly after the incident linking the deaths to the state's contentious end-of-life debate. The Montana Supreme Court last December ruled in Baxter v. Montana to uphold a physician's right to prescribe life-ending medication to terminal patients, and the Legislature is expected to pick up the issue next year. However, details regarding Swanie Hardgrove's medical situation have been scant.... Source 8y

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