Mormon View On Sloth
What is the Mormon View On Sloth, one of the Seven Deadly Sins?
The Seven Deadly Sins are not Scriptural, just traditional. They are:
Extravagance - unrestrained excess
Acedia - the neglect to take care of something
Vainglory - unjustified boasting
Source - Source 7
Name: Righteous One
Comments: The seven deadly sins is a Catholic tradition but I believe Mormons can take some lessons from it. They may not seem serious at first but they can lead to the road of destruction. For instance lust may lead to adultery or fornication. Wrath could become so bad that you abuse or even kill another. I guess what I'm trying to say is no one just falls over night. It is done step by step.
I agree with you Righteous One. Even though I'm not a Catholic I think these are good examples of the kind of sins that will destroy our lives. We need to keep in mind these things, Satan is always there ready to tempt us and makes us fall.