We need more people like the lady that called the police when she saw this low life beat up his daughter! Enough of the abuse people! I don't know if she realizes it but she saved the life of this kiddo! When the police arrived at the house of the man in question, the kid's right eye had broken blood vessels!
International Level: Specialist / Political Participation: 43 4.3%
So it is the white peoples fault that his daughter swears. I think this type of blame needs to go away. We are all people and we all need to just sit back and watch what our children are listening to and watching. I can tell you it is not good. MTV and VH1 two of the main shows kids watch plus some of the music has some graphic images of the sexual nature and many many foul words. You go to a junior or senior high school and just listen to the kids talk. They swear more than some sailors. I think something needs to be done.
I do think that beating your child half to death because she swore is wrong and I hope that this father learns this lesson.