What a interesting debate this is becoming. I know that my God is a great god. I doubt that other gods would laugh at him as there are no other gods. Therefore he does as he wishes. He is the one who created it all. He is the one who decided that the world needed cleaning. I just am a follower of his. I believe many know him just not by the same name.
To me he is Jehovah. To others he is Allah. Others even know him by other names. But what ever faith you put yourself to we all are celebrating the same god.
Was the Flood a myth? Was Sodom and Gomorrah a myth? The more we learn about this world the more that we re finding evidence that there was a great flood and that two cities did disappear. I do not think either event is that far fetched to not have occurred.
Thanks for the dogmatic [nonsense] boys.
Nice to know that your gods can kill humans with impunity.
Let's all bow down to the alien god who likes to kill us.
Do ye not know that ye are Gods?
One thing I notice about GreatestIam's form of debate is that instead of trying to share resources or backup material to make his point he reverts to name calling and stereotyping which is not allowed here. If you cannot debate in a Constructive manner then stop Posting Threads that will get Replies that you do not like.
From my research there is evidence either way. Many things I know to be fact sound impossible or made up. So who am I to say this did not actually occur.
The question is if you were posed the option of being Noah, would you have done what he did, and were his actions insane.
I think yes, his actions were insane by todays standards. However I would have done close to the exact same thing he did. I think truthfully most, after trying to save and warn others, would cut and run when the time came. You can only do so much, he was one man. If he was constructing such a boat he would have had little time for anything else.
Also you are assuming that he had an option. When a man such as him is on a path, they are 100 percent sure of their actions. Like a soldier commanded by a superior officer, there is no room for debate. His faith and devotion would not have allowed him to have any another option. I doubt one such as him had even a passing thought on wether he was doing the right thing, he just knew his path. We should all be so lucky.
Oliron said :
So you like man's calling as it pertains to God.
God, the metaphorical gardener, plants Adam and Eve and grows that perfection to 8.
At the cost of millions including, innocent little children and babies who did nothing wrong, and were therefore pure stock, so to speak.
From this 8, at that rate, would you be a new Noah, and finish the button that would bring death to Billions, now, including the innocent ones around you?
All for an alien God?
Truly now.
Would you kill those around you now and sire the next billions to die at God's next harvesting?
It don't get more honest than he is insane and I will follow his lead.
Edited: GreatestIam on 18th Jan, 2010 - 8:20pm