![Fiefdom Fiefdom](/board/YaBBImages/icons/pencil.gif)
Here is a game that is going on that is somewhat like this one...it might give you some ideas as it is in a beta phase too. There is no way I can send this directly to you, so if you don't want it here, just kill this reply.
I did not join, but the join page makes it looks like it has a lot of options implemented by the owner.
This guy has been working on Fiefdom for quite a long time. He has actually started games that have 15 min turns and some as long as 4hr turns. That game lasted for almost a month, but you could easily play it from almost anywhere with the 4hr turns. There are a good bit of similarities between the two games. A game last anywhere from 2 weeks to about 4 weeks. It all depends on the turn time. He also doesnt allow for collection of turns...use it or lose it.
I think it is the first time I head of this game and I notice he likes to use a separate Board system like we do.
QUOTE (Vincenzo) |
He also doesnt allow for collection of turns...use it or lose it. |
Rather off topic, but... However, I do have an RPG that runs with a 'stay long as you can' basis: Medieval Solo. My original aim (still is really) for our RPGs was to have so many (which we have) RPGs integrated into one site/place, and a player established in many of them - in this way as one turn is finished in 'x' then they can go to game 'y'. |
It does keep you glued to the site if he is running 15 minute turns, but what I liked was when he ran 4hr turns. The current game is going on 2hr turns...OK but not as good as 4hrs for people that work. When he ran the 4 hr turn, you could log on...take your turn and log off. If you were close for a win or needed to help the alliance, you could actually set a alarm at night...get up...go to the bathroom and get a turn in. So yes, if the turns are too quick...you are glued to the site, but most of us like the longer wait (let's play from work too).
The other thing that is on the site is not only the forum (suggestions and complaints forum), but is a on-line bulletin board for chat. It let's the players taunt each other...just like your thread. However, the board also tells you how long until the next turn.
It is pretty tight usually, so you cannot actually attack within the first 2 mins of a new turn.
Alliances in the game (if enabled) rule. They can just dogpile you to death. You think you did me good in this game...I have been bombed back into the stone age by like 20 fiefdoms of a alliance. That is the part of the game that is no fun for the independent player...alliances. In fiefdom, they are just too powerful.
Now that I think about it, I can see where the programming would be quite different between allowing stockpiling of turns and running turns like a batch process. I do like your allowing of turns to be collected though...definitely less pressure to be glued to your seat while playing a round!
I have the feeling that this guy is using a smiliar script to what I bought and just modified it to suit his needs because it sounds very similar, especially because of the way you say it is setup.
Rather off topic, but... ROK actually has its own built in message system, Board and even private message forum, BUT I disabled all of them for one reason: SPAM. There is just too much of it. I figure if someone really wants to form alliances, or rant then they will be willing to join the Community where they can do it in a constructive manner. Note: See your Intro Thread for my messages there. |