Post Date: 12th Jan, 2010 - 1:56am / Post ID:
Clothes Smell Gasoline
This is what you can do:
Before trying to launder your clothing, leave the garments outside in the sunshine. Sunshine will help dry out the clothes and by air drying your clothes outside you could reduce or eliminate the smell of gasoline before you wash them.
Step 2
White vinegar has many laundry uses. White vinegar can help get out stains and brighten colors. White vinegar also helps remove smells which can help when removing the smell of gasoline. To use white vinegar in your laundry add a cup to your wash cycle and wash as you normally would. If you do not have white vinegar you can also substitute apple cider vinegar with the same affect.
Step 3
Many restaurant workers attest to the power of Dawn dishwashing liquid to get grease out of their clothes. Try rubbing the Dawn dishwashing liquid into the areas where gasoline ended up on your clothes, then running through the wash cycle....
Source 1Also, I heard adding Coke to your washing would help get rid of the smell.