I don't understand why Orthodox Jews have called Madonna's interest in Kabbalah 'an abomination'. As far as I see, as long as she has undertaken all as requested to be part of that faith, and that her interest is genuine, I see no reason for anybody to be upset!
She certainly doesn't seem to be disrespectful, and all of her children attend the meetings with her-in my opinion, they could be doing worse!
Madonna is a sex symbol and when she isn't 'religious', her portrayals in public are usually aimed at shocking ( the cross incident ) or being seductive / lustful ( kissing women on stage or gyrating ) and so the religious group(s) may not want the world to think this is considered acceptable behavior.
Hmm, you have a good point there, I missed the point, because I took it from the view that she was an 'outsider' as a Catholic changing into the religion,but you're probably right with the more external view of her life and her behavior being the main clashing annoyance to them.
Let's face it, there have been plenty of other famous people that have also brought their religion into disrepute by their own lifestyles, I can see that this would more than irritate a religion who didn't even ask for any association or publicity associated with Madonna being a member of their religion.
She has been changing religions regularly. She was Catholic, then I believe she went briefly into the born again concept, then she went to the Far East to become a Buddhist and now of course she is in Kabbalah. Actually, after she joined the News Bot posted a Discussion Thread about it in the Studies of Judaism Board: https://www.bordeglobal.com/foruminv/show.p...T/f/223/t/11485
Madonna has animal activists concerned as she turns her sheep into a technicolor display for a photoshoot. The picture attached does make it seem a bit more shocking by adding the black background.
Hey, at least she didn't clad the animals in leather in chains like in her book! She...she really is growing up!
Madonna joins rock's Hall of Fame
Singer Madonna is among the artists inducted into the US Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in New York.
Ref. https://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/7289029.stm