The Immortality Drive
What exactly is the "The Immortality Drive" kept in the International Space Station?
The Immortality Drive is a small memory device (a.k.a microchip) which was taken to the International Space Station in a Soyuz spacecraft on October 12, 2008. The Immortality Drive contains digitized DNA sequences of a select group of people, such as the physicist Stephen Hawking, the comedian Stephen Colbert, the Playboy Playmate Jo Garcia, the game designer Richard Garriot (who it seems made The Immortality Drive), the Pro Wrestler Matt Morgan, and the athlete Lance Armstrong. This microchip also contains a copy of George's Secret Key to the Universe, a children's book authored by Stephen Hawking and his daughter, Lucy.
The purpose of the Immortality Drive is to preserve human DNA in a time capsule, in case some global cataclysm should ever occur.
Also it seems that The Immortality Drive was featured on the History Channel, on a program titled "Life After People: The Series".
Thomaslee, looks like you took most of your source material from Wikipedia, ensure you give them credit for it next time using more variance in your writing (your words).
I saw the documentary about various probable Apocalyptic happenings but the thing is if no one is left to control the orbit of the space station it too will come crashing to the earth along with the Immortality Drive so what is the use.
This is total speculation but, I imagine our high ups in government and other governments, plan on living threw an apocalyptic event. It doesn't seem to outlandish to assume that they have evacuation procedures set up, or underground bunkers, what have you, to survive. I would also wager the immortality drive is not the only one of its kind in existence. Perhaps they have even had the for sight to send such a capsule out into deep space with some sort of beacon for aliens to find or whatever.