112 Ocean Avenue, In Amityville, New York

112 Ocean Avenue Amityville York - Studies of Dreams, Mystics, Paranormal - Posted: 20th Jan, 2010 - 3:37am

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Post Date: 1st Mar, 2009 - 9:38pm / Post ID: #

112 Ocean Avenue, In Amityville, New York

112 Ocean Avenue, in Amityville, New York

Is this address: 112 Ocean Avenue, in Amityville, New York once inhabited by George and Kathy Lutz really haunted?

112 Ocean Avenue, In Amityville, New York
112 Ocean Avenue, In Amityville, New York (Hover)

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23rd Jul, 2009 - 4:03pm / Post ID: #

York Amityville Avenue Ocean

I had to look this up and I read that it was all just a hoax to promote the movie and get some $$$.

Post Date: 11th Dec, 2009 - 3:39pm / Post ID: #

112 Ocean Avenue, In Amityville, New York Paranormal & Mystics Dreams Studies

Name: Toon

Comments: I like that comment, the Haunting was a Hoax to promote a movie or a book that were never even in existence... Priceless. Yes the house is still there, yes the windows, rooms, address and footprint of the house have been changed, no it isn't haunted... By ghosts only people driving by day after day taking pictures.

Post Date: 11th Dec, 2009 - 4:05pm / Post ID: #

112 Ocean Avenue, In Amityville, New York
A Friend

York Amityville Avenue Ocean

I think this house is a long way from being haunted. Imagine living the house made famous by a book and a movie. Think of all the people wanting to come in and visit.

13th Dec, 2009 - 11:08pm / Post ID: #

York Amityville Avenue Ocean

Ed and Lorraine Warren have a habit and history of having been able to generate remarkably lucrative interest in a property or story by virtue of their own "paranormal investigations", which invariably involved classifying the "case" as "demonic", and it just so happened, Lorraine was a psychic and both were self-styled "demonologists". Amityville was their best known work, but the recent Haunting in Connecticut was also their handiwork - I wonder what the chances are that that place might not be as "haunted" as the story suggests?

14th Dec, 2009 - 12:12am / Post ID: #

112 Ocean Avenue, In Amityville, New York

I doubt there's anything real to the stories. It's all just one of those brilliant marketing strategies that a lot of fans fall for. I don't get how people hope that horrifying things like the Amityville movies could actually be true.

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Post Date: 20th Jan, 2010 - 3:37am / Post ID: #

112 Ocean Avenue Amityville York

Name: Missy

Comments: Does anyone know the new address [of the haunted house]?

> TOPIC: 112 Ocean Avenue, In Amityville, New York


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