What concerns me about the way it is handled today is the following:
1. The exact same situation but different disciplinary outcome depending on who is the leader handling it.
2. Women seem to have a lesser disciplinary action than men under the same circumstances.
I think it is currently not quite rightly done in all cases.
The D&C tells us that if your married and committed adultery as a member, you can receive forgiveness once. If you do it again, you'll be excommunicated. But, once you've received your endowments and been sealed to your spouse and you commit adultery, you have to be excommunicated and be destroyed in the flesh. We do the first part for a lot of people, but I don't think the second part is being followed through with.
I also remember reading in Joseph Fielding Smith's "Doctrines of Salvation" that it was not done right nowadays with adultery. He said when God's laws prevailed, we would reinstate the death penalty for adultery, because that is God's law. It makes sense especially thinking about the doctrine of blood atonement and 1 Cor 6:18 (Joseph Smith Translation)
I find the whole thing disturbing bro. Listen if we have so many innocent people in this country that were put to death and they were innocent I cant imagine how it would be to put someone to death for adultery and the whole thing is a lie because people are humans you know what am I saying? Are you also including those who lust over women and practically drool when they look at them? Because Jesus said they have committed adultery in their hearts. With this concept in mind, we will have no lds men left if you know what I mean.