What is your strategy for confronting the fantasy creature Kobold in Dungeons & Dragons?
More info on this creature: Source 3
Charge at a group of them and scare them into running off. Honestly, I think this might work once or twice if they blew their rolls bad enough and your character was daunting enough looking. Now, while I realize kobolds are there exactly to provide easy fodder for beginning characters, one thing I did, as a GM, to break things up was to throw in a firebreather once - to hear "He does WHAT?" was really music to my ears. But yeah, if the game mechanics would support it, it would be easy to just swingclubs around and take out 5 or 6 at a time.
I'm sorry I am laughing at this question. Kobolds are devious, they set traps. A clever GM can take a seemingly easy kill to be a devastating foe.
I would be very cautious when fighting Kobolds. Bringing with me a 10' pole and maybe a ladder / bridge. I would also anticipate fire based traps and bring some sort of extinguisher. Either wet blanket or jug of water.
Also I find mass hit spells work very well against them, such as: sleep, grease, cantrips.