That's why I don't walk the streets or use public transportation. I already sort of stand out because I'm white (most people think I'm a foreigner even though I was born and raised here) and I don't like to be harassed by anyone, too dangerous these days.
Name: Cherise
Comments: I want something to be done about this. Each time I have to go to work or come from work I pass by a corner full of limers that say the nastiest of things. I do not reply and even tried giving them a stern look but it does not stop.
This will not change it is part of the Trinidadian culture. The Trinidadian man like look at woman like if they are to be eaten but they should not say anything. Women do not like to be harassed.
On CNC3 there was a report about a woman who used to work at 91.1 FM, being sexually harassed. She claims that she had death threats made against her if she said anything. She also claims that her Westmoorings house had an attempted break in which she feels is related.
I hate the harassment because its nothing but a gender put down. Its not unique to any particular place, its everywhere you go. Luckily I just keep to my car, in and out of places and then back home.
Sexual harassment has become so common place in this country that it has become part of the culture. Look at how the innuendos are used even in the highest law body in the land - parliament. It as if there are no bounds for anyone, no sanctity of a person's space.
The men here think that women are objects with no feelings. The next time you want to whisper something in someone's ear of call from across the road think of your own mother and if she would want you to be saying those things to her.