Name: Morris
Comments: I was looking at the ttcrime site and I noticed the kidnappings went down a lot from a couple years back. What caused this sudden change?
Morris the truth is that I don't know what to tell you but one of my theories is that a lot of these crimes happening are closely connected to mafia of all sorts.
The government wants to give life in prison for anyone assisting or acting in the kidnapping of any person in Trinidad & Tobago. If you detain anyone against their will for any reason that is not lawful this will also fall under kidnapping. Sounds harsh, but I believe it is needed, however there should also be no assumptions about the criminal act - evidence must be undeniable and above reproach.
I was looking over the statistics for kidnappings and they have really reduced from how it was a few years ago. Whomever was behind this I hope they keep them locked up!
Name: George
Title: Kidnappings in T&T
Comments: Has anyone got any ideas to why kidnapping in Trinidad has ceased so rapidly?
Name: George
Comments: Sorry to have to say this but after reading about the kidnapping of a woman in which her son of ten was sent to withdraw the ransom money from a ATM is obvious that honest policemen and decent citizens of status in this country are fighting a losing battle against crime. Please bear in mind the ages of the bandits who were school children at least five years ago, and by what is happening here it seems as though we are breeding criminals like rabbits.
That was a terrible crime. Those involved need to be put in some pit in the sun, prison is too nice a place for them! Poor boy will be affected by this for many years.