Trini Men & Venezuelan Women - Page 4 of 9

I am a born Trinidadian, and I personally - Page 4 - Trinidad, Tobago / Caribbean - Posted: 9th Feb, 2008 - 11:45pm

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Trini Men more interested in Venezuelan Women?Trini Men, are they more interested in Venezuelan Women? Do they rather impenada or stew chicken?
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1st Feb, 2008 - 3:40pm / Post ID: #

Trini Men & Venezuelan Women - Page 4

I read this letter to Marguerite Gordon in the Express today and I could not stop shaking my head at the attitude of the woman writing the letter about her husband flirting with a Venezuelan AND the reply given by Gordon. It is always the other woman's fault, blame it to the Spanish girl and NOT the husband! rolleyes.gif

Dear Marguerite:

My husband and I with another couple went out to a club the other night and right in front of my eyes my husband started flirting with a much younger woman sitting at a table full of young women right across from us. They were speaking Spanish I think, and this rude young woman was flirting right back. I had a strong urge to go across and slap this young woman's face. I spoilt the evening for our friends because I insisted that we leave. How should I handle it if it happens again?

Upset Wife

Dear Upset Wife:

Well, first I think you did very well in resisting the urge to slap the girl. Do not go there. You would have lost your dignity, and the Spanish flotilla would have retaliated, attacked and Heaven forbid, attempted to sink you. But I am sorry that you left because they must have felt very smug. If it happens again, turn to your friends and start to joke about your husband's apparent mid-life crisis, bringing him into the conversation by perhaps comparing the little Miss to some very young member of your family. Try to smile and laugh (even if it is only a skin-teeth smile), and launch a deadly stare on Miss Spain (or was it Miss Venezuela?). Of course, you should also let your husband know very quietly when you got home that he was embarrassing you and showing a great propensity in making himself look idiotic - you know there is no fool - like an old fool.

But in his fast moving world it would also help if all wives started taking Spanish lessons. Remember that Carnival is here and who knows how many more South Americans may be meandering over?

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5th Feb, 2008 - 5:29pm / Post ID: #

Women Venezuelan Men Trini

I will agree that Trinis have no sense, at times, and even I am amazed by our foolishness and lack of couth!

5th Feb, 2008 - 6:56pm / Post ID: #

Trini Men & Venezuelan Women Caribbean / Tobago & Trinidad

They were speaking Spanish I think, and this rude young woman was flirting right back. I had a strong urge to go across and slap this young woman's face.

No offense to the intelligent Trini women here, my words are meant for the ones that lack common sense:

1. The above words shows me the typical stupidity of Trini women. You want to slap the woman rather than your husband?

2. If they were speaking Spanish then how do you know they were rude? Or are you assuming that the Spanish women saw that sign on your forehead saying 'He is my man and no woman talk to him!'?

Trini Men & Venezuelan Women
Trini Men & Venezuelan Women (Hover)

5th Feb, 2008 - 7:15pm / Post ID: #

Page 4 Women Venezuelan Men Trini

I do not know about the Venezuelan women you have in TT now cause I haven't been there in awhile but I will confess, these north american chics make me forget about the ladies down there real fast.

5th Feb, 2008 - 7:21pm / Post ID: #

Women Venezuelan Men Trini

Buff, Trini women will say you are one of those fools that like "white women". laugh.gif

What got me laughing is the reply of Gordon, when she says:

But in his fast moving world it would also help if all wives started taking Spanish lessons. Remember that Carnival is here and who knows how many more South Americans may be meandering over?

Yeah, poor Trini men. Venezuelan/Spanish girls are ALL over them and they just can't help themselves. *laughs*

5th Feb, 2008 - 8:43pm / Post ID: #

Trini Men & Venezuelan Women

Honestly I feel a loy of those Venezuelan women are just looking for a ticket to stay in the country.

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5th Feb, 2008 - 8:47pm / Post ID: #

Trini Men & Venezuelan Women - Page 4

IndianChick, they don't need it, they stay illegally anyway. laugh.gif Let me emphasized I am not Venezuelan but the idea of them all over Trini men is a joke. I always observe all the opposite.

Post Date: 9th Feb, 2008 - 11:45pm / Post ID: #

Trini Men & Venezuelan Women
A Friend

Trini Men & Venezuelan Women Trinidad & Tobago / Caribbean - Page 4

I am a born Trinidadian, and I personally love all Latin women of Spanish or Portuguese descendent. It do not matter if they are black, medium tone, or white; I like them all but my preference are the blacks and medium tone ones, Latin women are more loving and I just like them I don't know why. I speak Spanish and I am of patial Portuguese descendent so... why not make use of it? But to be honest I like Colombian and Venezuelans more, hopefully in the future I may marry one or the other.

Yo soy Trinitario, y a mi me gustan las Latinas del origen Espanola o Portuguesa. A mi no me importan si ellas son negra, morena, o blanca; Me gustan todas, pero yo prefiero las negras y las morenas. Creo que las Latinas son mas simpatica y me gustan, yo no se por que. Yo hablo castellano y en el sangre tengo un poco portugues.... asi porque no usalo? Pero para ser sincero me gustan las Colombianas y Venezolanas mas, espero que en el por venir yo me casare con una o la otra.

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