CSF Firewall
What are your thoughts about CSF Firewall as good protection for your server?
Its a very good one with a lot of options. Use it in conjunction with other things, don't trust in just that alone because it will cure some problems but not all. Also, the down side is sometimes it blocks your own scripts on the server so ensure you allow and deny certain IPs.
Sometimes CSf may get over zealous (Or just doing its job) and block attempts to Cpanel or FTP. To allow certain IPs make sure to:
1. Login to [Yourdomain.com]/WHM/
2. Scroll down to the section for plugins on the left and click: "ConfigServer Security& Firewall"
3. On the right of the page look for the field with this text: "Allow IP address [..........] through the firewall and add to the allow file (Csf.allow)."
4. Put in the IP address there and click the "Quick Allow" Button.
For constant Emails about "Excessive resource usage:" for a specific program go into: /etc/csf/csf.pignore on the server and add in the executable that you want it to ignore. For instance: