Amonhi Submission
Understanding the Fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, a submission for download by Amonhi is available through the LDS Downloads page, select LDS Downloads 4.
From my discussions with Elliaison this chapter was written for the sole purpose of providing every detail necessary for a person to receive their calling and election made sure. It is one of the best documents I have read regarding the connection between the basic principles of the gospel leading to calling and election made sure.
As far as I can tell it does the job. I wish I had read this before my mission.
It addresses the questions of Why, how, where and gives specific examples of the very moment people have received it. This was written by a person who claims to have his calling and election made sure, which in my opinion holds more weight than reading the thoughts on this subject of someone who does not make that claim. (Even if he is wrong.) I would like to hear your thoughts after reading it, especially and spiritual witnesses or experiences for or against which you are willing to share.
Elliaison is actually a couple. The name is French in origin, so I am told. My wife and I met them in our travels and we recognized each other as being members of the Church of the First Born. We have shared thoughts and discussions on occasion via email. Very interesting discussions. They have such a deep and detailed understanding which is why they could put together such a clear document as this one. They come up with things that make me wonder. Aside from that, I don't know much about them. Very friendly and loving demeanor. That has been my experience.
Often things Discussed or brought about through many varied communications can be seen as interesting, inviting or even awe inspiring, but I always ensure to sift it and match it to the doctrinal securities of which I am aware so as to not fall prey to the subtle enticements that can so easily persuade a fool hearty soul. Beware your sources.
Please do not mix my words with yours or try to interpret it with yours. What I said is to be taken exactly as it is said. Usually I try my best to write in a clear and concise manner so as to not put any doubts regarding my position. Doctrinal securities refer to the sum of all things I know to be true which includes the source of truth.
'Amonhi Doctrine Related' Threads
I notice you are starting a lot of 'Amonhi Doctrine Related' Threads. I will define 'Amonhi Doctrine Related' Threads as Threads you start or reply to that push your perspective of the Doctrine of which I will refer to as "Spirit Doctrine" or in other words things which are based on the Spirit Confirming and not necessarily outlines directed by the Church.
There are some things that need to be clearly answered, in other words please just answer the question rather than an interpretation of the question. In some cases a simple "yes" or "no" will suffice:
1. Are you a baptized Member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints?
2. Are you currently an active Member of the same Church (#1) and in full fellowship?
3. Do you consider yourself as currently part of the Church (#1), and by 'part of', I mean that you are subject to the teaching and direction the Church gives.
3. What are your thoughts about the current leadership in the Church? Do you follow the teachings of the current Prophet or do you consider yourself outside his words / above his words?
4. Do you share 'Amonhi Doctrine Related' info within Church or anyone within the Church?
5. What is your objective in promoting 'Amonhi Doctrine Related' Threads?
6. Are you hoping to get Members to follow 'Amonhi Doctrine Related' info and ask you to help them make their Calling And Election Sure?
7. Is your purpose to have Members look towards the Church of the First Born, according to your interpretation, and essentially "dismiss", "leave" or "graduate themselves" from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints?