If he's showing you temper now just wait a little bit more he will show you his full coat of arms when the situation rears its ugly head.
I think the best about Trini men is that they have a very good sense of humor and the worst is that they love all type of women.
Name: Yeniseri
Comments: Trini men of that type tend to be better behaved outside of T&T!
Name: TriniLadyinUS
Comments: I am Trini and the one most popular Trini male trait has not been mentioned. Trini men come with outside ladies almost all the time. Even if they are married at home taking care of the family....somewhere there is several outside ladies. I would never marry one. I honestly would be concerned that any Trini person could easily be a relative. The culture has produced too many children all over the island. Oh incest is not uncommon either. We are very complacent and are often big drinkers (drunkards) and party people. Not about influencing change. If we could admit our issues then change could happen.
On the good side Trini men and women are funny, outspoken, friendly and generally kind. Though some have unresolved issues that they are too complacent to address. Anger management issues are not uncommon. I have to admit that when I reach my limit most people are surprised to find out that my temper can roar.
Comments: Trini men are very energetic, smooth operators and seem to be pretty crafty/handy. They like to have a good time and they are awesome great entertainers. As a female you should definitely let it be known to them that you have male family/friends that care for you upfront, before you enter a relationship with them. If they think you are alone, they will try to dominate you. They run very high on emotions, which can be very dangerous, when they LOVE YOU, they can LOVE YOU TO DEATH literally. They curse plenty.
Source 1: Experience
Name: Nicky
Comments: I am Australian and have been seeing a Trini born US man for the last year. He is nothing but a gentleman. Opens doors, wines and dines, takes me shopping etc. He doesn't drink very much, he is intelligent, funny, kind, gentle and always there for me. He is definitely still hood, but has a total other side to him.. He is amazing in the bedroom and not selfish at all. I have never been with a better man and I am yet to see something about him that I don't like.