Excuse me, I was talking to my housekeeper. Do you have one? Oh, I am sure you don't sweetheart because probably you cannot afford it, it's sad though because you talk about giving chances to the president yet you offer no solutions to his lack of competence. I am going sailing now so if you have something worth to say, I mean something coherent and intelligent, say it now. Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock. *rollingeyes*
You see... This is what I'm talking about. How is someone in your position going to know about the economy or even if the 'housekeeper' you have is being treated fairly. I wonder if she is even legal, because that's what some of you types do - hire illegals and then live off cheap labor while wondering what everyone is complaining about.
Oh my goodness, how dare you! My housekeeper is an American citizen! People like you need to migrate from this country, full of stereotypes and prejudice. Your attitude is quite disgusting if you ask me and excuse me, rich people CAN relate to others, you sound either young or clueless. I tend to think the latter.
You are talking about stereotyping and yet you are trying to judge my age and background? This is exactly the example of the kind of hypocritical society we live in with pretentious people mocking about shouting louder than everyone else and disguising what they say as manna from heaven. Oh please, don't try to push me over with your pompous attitude, I'm not your housekeeper - thank goodness, poor woman.
Oh my goodness, you're giving me a migraine. Julia, Julia! Please bring me some ibuprofen please . You're lucky I'm speaking to YOU over a phone because if it was in person, I would just pass you straight without telling you anything. I mean, you're just ranting and defending a president who has been done nothing for you and the other poor people like yourself. Ignorance is a bliss.
You could pass up right now and put down the phone that way meaningful discussion on pertinent issues could take place and we don't have to hear you talk to poor Julia.
Meaningful discussion? So far, I am only seeing someone who probably is being paid to call the media and defend the President.
Paid? You must get too many calls from sharks because they recognize a big jaws attack when they see one. I am calling in because people like you prattle but really have so little to say and do not understand how economies work.