T&T Pavements

T Pavements - Trinidad, Tobago / Caribbean - Posted: 12th Dec, 2003 - 8:38pm

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Sidewalks can lead to injury if you are not very careful where you are walking in Trinidad and Tobago.
19th Dec, 2002 - 10:25am / Post ID: #

T&T Pavements

Ever walked down the typical pavement in Trinidad? One set of obstacles to move pass and jump over just to get where you are going. Let's take the Curepe area...

1. Most times the drain covers are open or broken. Sometimes you wonder if stepping over a broken cover will lead to your broken leg.
2. People have taken it into their own hands to cover these drain holes with these things: (yes, I have seen this with my own eyes) photocopy machines, cabinet, drums, wood and anything else under the sun.
3. Drains near KFC and Royal Castle became so stuffed up at one time that black soot came up on to the streets. It was oily and stink! It took several months before it was cleaned.
4. Uneven pavement. Some pavements go up and down as though it is an obstacle course.

What are your thoughts on this simple thing that seems so neglected in Trinidad?

[offtopic]Not directly related, but have you seen road signs? They are about the same. They either do not exist or are bent, or block you from passing.[/offtopic]

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12th Dec, 2003 - 8:38pm / Post ID: #

Pavements TampT

Recently I have become passed sick of the stench of the streets. Vagrants P'ing everywhere and there is a black sludge that gathers all over the road and pavement from what can be seen as a long lack of proper cleaning and drainage. I must comment on the CPEP workers that do in my mind an excellent job in keeping the country clean! The government would be silly to get rid of such a program that helps the poor and makes the islands look beautiful. Then again does the government care about those things?

> TOPIC: T&T Pavements


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