In all honesty, I stumbled upon this site looking for a place where I could start playing Dungeons and Dragons in an online forum. I'm not exactly sure why I have to do this other than the fact that moronic imbeciles make up more than 90% of the internet population. Although I appreciate the attempt to filter out most of the filth, I must say that instigators are inevitable. And generally speaking, the more you try, the harder you'll fail.
Moving on. I'm currently a college student who has an interest in pen and paper role playing games. I have quite a few in development, but I always pay homage to the best of the best (Dungeons and Dragons). I generally run games as a Dungeon Master, and I would like to have a chance to play. I'm always enraged when my players miss out on intricate details that I've written into the plot line because they wanted more loot. Needless to say, I just need a change of pace.
Welcome Ta Ye Ole' Forum!
So, Ye be seeking Adventure eh? Ye be one after meh own heart. Meh mates have cut down several dragons in times past and we be always in serious need of an extra hand fer deeper darker dungeons of brilliant gold. Friend, get ready, cause we got to test yer abilities.
We be havin' two, count em' two types of Medieval Play By Post here:
Here's the first one: If ye be looking to get started with Dungeons & Dragons Play by Post then go HERE for the Thread that gives you the steps (Check first Post) AD&D here allows you to start participating right away once your character is approved by the Dungeon Master.
Here's the second one: If ye be looking to join 'The World of Medieval' (Custom Play by Post) then thou needest a minimum of 30 Constructive Posts within this here Community. Keep thy level of activity at 75% too, we be needed active adventurers here not those that sit and play with child toys. Get started, select a Board, a Topic and then share thy views until ye have yer 30 Posts under thy belt then return here and request RPGer Status.
These links may also be proven useful to such dragon slayers as thyself:
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