What is your strategy for confronting the fantasy creature Troll in Dungeons & Dragons?
Troll Hunter
Trolls as Characters
More info on this creature: Source 5
Anybody worth their salt knows "acid" and "fire", the more combinations of these, the better. Magic is great, especially fireball and lightning bolt, but any really heavy weapon smashes certainly do their part to take down a troll - it's just keeping them down that's the pain. In the computer game, you could stand on where they died at, and the fight ended if no other enemies were around, but in fact you have to burn the troll's remains because otherwise they regenerate, and the same while fighting - they get points back during combat, so you have to deal them a lot of damage, quickly, and keep doing it until they 'die', then find a way to make it permanent. That said, trolls are one of my favorite races, and I've played some, though I prefer the look of one painted that was on the cover of Dragon magazine, that had a swamp troll coming out of the water and going after a PC in a boat.
I wish I could slap you five JPatt. I feel the same affection towards Trolls.
To kill them quicker of course use fire or acid. You may have to finish them off this way depending on your GM.
Otherwise wear a ring of regeneration so when they swallow you down you can regenerate in their bodies and burst out of them, from the inside out (if you are a smaller PC). Edited: Oliron on 5th Feb, 2010 - 9:21am
Trolls are some of my favorite creatures to send against player characters. My worlds have desert trolls, Swamp trolls, Ice Trolls and mountain trolls besides you average trolls. While they are not the most populous they are around.
Killing trolls is a pain and once you learn about how they come back to life you make sure you always carry stuff to deal with them.