Cage Fighting For Jesus
I just saw on Fox News where there is a Church that recruits its members through something called, "Cage Fighting For Jesus" where they fight in a cage just like how they do in Pride or the UFC. Whatever happened to learning about the Bible and Baptism? Is that too taboo now?
Name: Eric
Comments: Nope. I went to the 'gym' for about a year before getting deployed to Iraq. It is actually a great idea, expectially for a military town, to get The Word out to the masses. They have full services and bible studies and everything else that a 'main stream' church would has. They just have a more relaxed atmosphere and its not like, the only people that go to the church, go to the gym as well. If you can have a missions outreach that causes people to want to come to a church...why not do it?
Fighting in the Name of the Lord
Xtreme Ministries Church Founder John Renken Reconciles God and Mixed Martial Arts
"Father, we just thank you for the opportunity to go out tonight and to train and compete," coach John Renken says. "Lord, we just pray that you protect our fighters, as well as the other guys. We pray that we will be a representation of you." Ref. Source 3