I am a(an): Trinidadian
Current Location: Trinidad
In evaluating the calypso monarch's song called, 'Ah Home' I cannot help but wonder if fete, freeing-up, do what you want and so is all the West Indies is good for. What do you think about Iwer's song and does it speak the true message of what people see as the reason to be 'home'?
This song is driving me crazy. I hear it ALL the time!!!!! It starting to annoy me, specially because of what it says. Like if drinking, and sexual moves are supposed to be good : and well accepted part of the West Indian culture. I don't like, even though I know most west indians are okay with their portrait of it, I am not.
Name: Camz
Comments: [..] I am a Trini and proud of it. What Iwer George is singing isn't any worse than what those stupid American rappers sing about femalees and hoes and bling bling. I would rather listen to this song over that crap any day. And for your information West Indians aren't about feteing and freeing up. We are loving, friendly people who just happen to take two days out of the year to have a national party where everyone is invited including outsiders. This is just one song. It does not reflect who we are as a people. [..]