Do you feel that this talk about terrorists in Trinidad is just media hype? Now we are not talking about the normal everyday criminal who is a terrorist in his own right, but we are talking about muslim extremist that attak in a big way.
Image from Wikimedia public domain.
Terrorism In Trinidad & Tobago (Hover)
I think all the threats MUST be taken seriously, just because Trinidad is such a tiny island it doesn't mean that a terrorist attack cannot take place. There are lots of muslims in Trinidad and we don't want either to condemn them saying that they are all terrorists because they're not. But let's remember that Trinidad has experience some kind of 'rebellion' by by their part before and that they do in fact has contact with other muslims organizations. I think everything must be taken seriously and hopefully the Goverment will increase the security in this country.
There are not jews in Trinidad, I'm wonder what would happen if we would have jews living in Trinidad?, I think the story would be different.
My country has experience twice terrorist attacks against Jews. One in the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires and the other bomb in an Israeli Organization. In one of them 160 people were killed. We are the second country after the USA with more Jews living outside Israel.
I really hope that the Trini-government take all these threats seriously, if not, we will may be face with something similar on 9/11 (FBI sources KNEW before hand about the threats of crashing planes in the WTC and nothing was done to avoid it)
For those of you who think Trinidad & Tobago is immune from terrorist attacks:
I researched a little bit about this issue and it seems like the Trini police and the FBI do not believe this was a terrorist attack. (How they reach that conclusion, I do not know), what they believe is that someone (or more than one) trying to make a prank put this bomb (yes, this is part of the "mentality" I cannot stand about certain people in Trinidad). The bomb itself is not dangerous based on what the police said, BUT because it was left in an iron bin it became fatal. Sometimes I wonder if there are some sort of brains inside of some people's head or it is just hollow.
I forgive bomber
Blast victim speaks out from hospital bed
Yvonne McIvor has forgiven the person who was responsible for the bomb blast on Frederick Street, Port of Spain, on July 11.
Ref. https://www.trinidadexpress.com/index.pl/ar...ews?id=93625417
She may have forgiven the bomber, but she is not so forgiving with the State and I may have done the same thing, I am ashamed the government did not step forward and automatically offer support, she should not have to beg for this.
POS bomb victim suing State
Monday, August 8th 2005
Bomb blast victim Nicole Kassie never intended to take legal action against Government. But when hopes of compensation for the injuries she sustained during the July 11, Frederick Street, Port of Spain explosion dimmed, she began taking steps.
Ref. https://www.trinidadexpress.com/index.pl/ar...ews?id=94548555
I was first alerted by Email yesterday of another explosion in POS. This seems to be a new type of 'child's play' now:
Yesterday's blast came almost one month after the July 11 Frederick Street explosion rocked the capital, but this time it was along the comparatively quiet George Street and it didn't create the panic or injuries caused in the last incident.
No one has claimed responsibility for the 11.40 a.m. blast but initial investigations revealed that the bomb, which was placed in a pile of garbage, was a crude homemade device. Its make-up may be chemical based as opposed to being made of the more traditional explosives such as gunpowder.
Ref. https://www.trinidadexpress.com/index.pl/ar...ews?id=95226519