My personal experience with maxi's is at least 5 years old, but I suspect that what I am about to say still holds true. When I went to College in San Fernando, picking a maxi was a job. If you picked the old beat up maxi with no good speaker systems, etc, you were a dork or loser. I remember waiting for an hour and passing up tons of maxi taxis that would at least get me from point A to point B because it wasnt cool enough. It got to the point where I would stop walking down to the stop with my friends just so I could jump in the first maxi I saw and get home at a decent hour.
The whole image of the maxi was, and probably still is, about the cool factor. I guess because we wore uniforms that we had to find something else to single out the dorks and losers from the jocks and cool people. I never thought myself a dork (a geek maybe ) but I didnt care 2 cents about if I traveled in Maxi Priest or MR. Noname maxi, as long as I paid my dollar and got from Marabella to Sando on time. And whats up with naming the Maxi's too? Maybe you folks that still live in Trinidad can share some insight on how the situation is now, but the whole premise of the maxi in my mind was that it was a form of transportation, not a popularity contest.
Malealexander, you bring some good insights about Maxi taxis, now I understand why I always see the school kids standing at the maxi stops for hours and staying there while the maxis pass and they don't do anything about it I think it's pretty silly but again there are teenagers and at that age everything is about being cool. I travel in Maxi every day and I stopped any maxi (except for the loud ones, I cannot stand the music soooo loud!).
I agree, some of these guys are really dangerous sometimes I don't mind the driving but it is the chances they take that put their lives and the lives of their passengers at risk . There should be stiffer penalties applied to maxi taxi drivers for speeding and reckless driving. As for the loud music aren't there restrictions on the music equipment and sound levels for maxi's. Dosent tge EMA police this type of thing .
Oh wait we're in trinidad nobody takes it serious enough to do their job.
There are some nice maxi taxi drivers out there. Sometimes they will not charge me for all the children when I travel or they will go out of their way to drop me where I need to go. Unfortunately this is a rare thing. I find that the younger the maxi taxi driver the more reckless and inconsiderate they are but this is not a stereotype just a matter of observation because there are some older men that can be worst that the youngest maxi taxi driver.
The worst is when you sitting in an air condition maxi and everyone smelling like they just come from a construction site. Loss sometimes I feel like I can't breathed. Sometimes I think those maxi drivers lose their sense of smell because I don't know how they could smell that whole day!
What do you all think about the new fares being raised by the East West red band maxi taxis: