Quick - it is an emergency, do you know the following numbers off the top of your head or are they nearby so you can find them with 20 seconds?
National Emergency Center
Family Doctor
Local Taxi/Tow Service (if car is down)
Telephone Operator
Each Family Member's Day / Night Contact Number
Counselor / Psychologist
Abuse Center
Abandoned Animal Center
Baby Sitter
One tip that is important is to have these numbers available while travelling - check the local phone book which usually has these on the first or second page. Could you imagine being in a foreign country and suddenly being in an accident or risk situation, but not knowing what number to call?
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3231 100%
I have in my cell phone some ICE numbers. I hope that if I am in any type of accident that the emergency workers can contact someone for me. I know if I travel out of state or out of country having a local phone directory comes in real handy for looking up and writing down phone numbers that you may have to use in a hurry.