OK, Seems I'm taking over as Party Leader.
(I'm not sure what Val rolled for saves, by Jpatt's post, I think she failed it.)
"Curses... *COUGH, GASP* foul magicks and infernal ... *HACK*" is all the Paladin is able to utter before entering a new round of wheezing.
Use previously posted rolls, with the -4 applied to them, so:
SA: Attack when in range or monsters approach, using sword as offensive +1.
D20 Rolls (for whatever): 17, 7
Initiative: 1, 2
Longsword Hit: 15, 19 (+3 = 18, 22) *penalties for being in enclosed space?
Longsword Damage: 2, 5 (you add to damage rolled?)
Rolled a 17 so I save, but being poor at attacking when I can't see Aive is getting out of there!
Aive will be dropping caltrops then moving as far as he can.
[Fort Save Roll = 4 (1+3)]
Del hacks and wheezes upon hitting the smoke cloud. He beats a hasty retreat to the hole in the ground, knowing that smoke generally rises he crouches down.
Rolled a 15. I believe that saves. That is without modifiers.
Lwentano will shoot arrows into the smoke if he sees any movement that is not a friend.
Myrrani turns and runs back the way she came as far as she can. If she escapes the smoke before the crossroads, upon reaching it she will continue straight across.
It is going to take me a little while to factor all this in. I am sorry I cannot post an immediate response. I won't be able to until late tonight, sorry, I haven't had time today to post an accurate response.
Jpatt has also expressed that Val will follow after the person who requested a "meat shield" I think that's me. So Valdalen's move action is to head back towards the crossroads as well, then, which is the same direction Myrrani is moving.
Unless I grossly misinterpret what Jpatt said.
Round 2:
Val coughing and wheezing moves in front of Myranni as she heads down the right tunnel (10' south). They are still within the smoke, Val suddenly feels something bite her leg. She strikes and hits the wall. She then feels a small creature on her and kicks it off her leg reflexively before it bites. As she does she feels another small creature has crawled onto her back. It bites her on the neck before she can react. She makes an attack in front of her, were she thinks there might be the thing that tried to bite her. She connects with flesh and bone then hears a squeak, followed by a sick thud from the ground.
Philo calls from behind the flap, the party hears him clearly.
Lwentano looks for an enemy but is blinded by smoke. He listens to the goings on trying to decipher the best action to take in all the confusion.
Del makes it back to the hole, he crouches down heaving as he gasps for breathable air. (You are just out of the cloud Del)
Aive moves back down the tunnel from were he came. He makes it out just beyond the flap.
Lwentano is suddenly enveloped in what feels like a swarm of rats. They are climbing all over, biting more often than not.
The party hears (from the north / left tunnel) someone laughing hysterically. The laughter becomes gradually screams of pain and then abruptly falls silent.
Lwentano is 10 feet from the crossroads (left). The flap is 5 feet from him / to the left (west tunnel). Del is 20 feet from the crossroads by the hole (east tunnel). Myranni is 5 feet from the crossroads and Val is 10 feet from it (south tunnel). Aive is 5 feet from the flap, 20 feet from the crossroads (west tunnel). Philo is just around the corner poking his head out.
I hope how I described the positioning makes sense. The west tunnel is the one you entered from, Lwentano is in there. The north tunnel is the left tunnel, were Aive threw the oil at the bad guy. The east tunnel is strait across, were Del and the hole are. The south tunnel is the right tunnel, were Myranni and Val are.
Lwentano must roll vrs. DC 12 Fortitude save or be nauseated for 1 round. The save DC is constitution based.
Lwentano must roll vrs. Fortitude DC 12 or become diseased. Val must roll twice vrs. Fortitude DC 11 or become diseased. The saves are constitution based.
Lwentano has taken 6 points of damage. Val has taken 4 points of damage.
This concludes round 2. Edited: Oliron on 26th Jun, 2010 - 5:51am
Sir Valdalen suppresses the urge to let out a shrill yelp of surprise and alarm, and instead concentrates on not being able to see, and on the pain from the new filthy wounds caused by the humongous rats.
"Rats - big biting rats, stay back! I have chunks of cheese in my pack, but I don't think that's what they're after!" yells the Paladin back to Myranni, kicking around and swinging fairly blindly with sword. "I don't see the point in staying in this pitch black where I can't see what I'm fighting, back up! The rest of you, I'd urge you to do the same!"
Fort DC 12 x2: 14, 6 (CON: 9/-1 = 13/SUCC, 5/FAIL)
HP: 14/18
Pen: -6
OOC: Val wants to do a fighting retreat if possible, until she can see.
Aive saw that the figure casting the spell that made his torch spew smoke, was young looking and probably male. It was either an elf or a young human.
That was all you were able to make out as the person was wearing a cloak that was covering almost all of its body and the hood obscured a good portion of the face, you only caught a glimpse.
The fire seemed to evoke a reaction from the target but not one that would be conducive with pain. Either the person enjoys pain or they enjoy fire. You have a strong suspicion that it is the first and that the person is now dead. The laughter that turned to screams of pain most likely belonged to the target of the oil grenade.
Sorry if my response seemed harsh JPatt, I was having an off day and I think that came out in the text.
I hope we can get a post for round three before friday. I am supposed to be busy this weekend as I am figuring most of us will be. It would be nice to think about round four during that time so I will have a good response on monday or tuesday.