As the creature steps forward it is met by a flurry of attacks. Gabriel's longsword cuts a huge gash across the first, followed by a slash from Lwentano. The slash from Lwentano's blade seals itself back up. Valdien's sword attack misses the creature. The party watches in surprise as a foot flies in and snaps the creatures neck, dropping it.
A second creature creeps in only to be met by more blows. Gabriel's blade rips threw the creatures body, the wound throwing out a vile black goop. Once again Lwentano's attack strikes true but the wound seals. Valdien's sword just misses the target, and another foot flies in landing on the creatures neck, the creature falls to the floor.
While the third creature is shambling in over the bodies of its comrades. The unnaturally large raven caws and takes flight. Kicking up a lot of dust, its wing span being near 20 feet. The dust gets in the parties eyes and the raven seems to have vanished into thin air. Meanwhile Jack has managed to pull off enough boards to crawl threw. Instead of crawling threw he throws his backpack threw it. You hear another caw from the raven then silence. Jack looks about as if coming out of a trance or daze. Then backs away from the hole in the wall towards the middle of the room.
The third creature is nearly dropped before it can enter by Lwentano, him severing its head. Black goop spews out of its new stub like a fountain, and it smells foul. Gabriel finishes it off with a quick jab, it falls back, dead.
The fourth creature similarly keeps coming. Valdien lands a grewsome blow severing the thing in twain. Black goo once again spews forth all over the party.
Valdien and Gabriel identify the creatures as Lemures. Edited: Oliron on 1st Apr, 2010 - 8:57pm
Searching around the camp you see no other signs of trouble. The night is silent save for the crickets. You all manage to remove the vile goo from your items.
Jack sits silent as usual, with no real explanation. He looks around in the air from time to time.
The lemure bodies have since turned into a mushy black goop. The stench is that of a swamp or rotten garbage and permeates the area near them.
Valdien and Gabriel start to remember from their studies imps commanding armies of lemures. In the stories imps often took the form of a large raven.
There are about 3 hours until daylight.
What does the party wish to do?
The party picks up camp a short time after sunrise. You find the trail quickly and set off north threw Shaderoot Forest.
The forest is very dense and the trail has become overgrown in a few spots. Forcing the group to cut threw undergrowth. A few times the trail is lost because of this, but regained rather easily. About four hours in the party becomes aware of several wolves following them. After a few minutes the wolves seem to have moved on.
Being under the canopy keeps the hot sun off and the air is cool. You arrive on the opposite end of the forest after near ten hours. The party is beginning to become fatigued.
A cool breeze mutch like the one in the forest is cold enough to cause discomfort once out of the forest. You imagine as night falls so will the temperature. You realize also that if you could get out of the wind the temperature would be mutch more comfortable.
The ruins of Jorine are still about five hours away according to Lwentano's recollection of local geography. Ahead of you the trail fades and it is hard to make out. The landscape is plains, similar to the area north of Klagek, only with a lot more wild plants and vegetation.
There are roughly three more hours until nightfall, what does the party wish to do?
You consider your options and feel camping out of the wind would be best.
As the sun if fast setting and your endurance thin, the best option remains going back within Shaderoot Forest.
Once camped the party quickly falls into line and presents watches. Laying out their sleeping quarters below the cover of several giant oak trees.
The night goes by a little chilly but without trouble. The second watch hears a howling in the distance.
Your party wakes bright eyed and ready for action.
Everything packed up and feeling refreshed the party sets off in direction they think the ruins exist. Every so often tracks of an old road keep the party going in the right direction. The travel is easy and uneventful, just a nice day.
After five hours of walking the party comes up on the ruins of Jorine. Only a few small piles of rubble remain of the village. The temple to Heironeos is easy to find, the entrance to the supposed catacombs is not.
While glancing around for some sign of a door or entrance Jack walks forwards and knocks on a boulder. Instead of him pulling his hand back hurt the boulder sounds hollow and possibly made of wood.
Jack turns back at the party and grins, pleased with himself. Just after, the boulder slides off, tilting to one side. Underneath an old woman (human) wearing Heironeous garments slowly pops her head out. Seeing Jack and the two other followers of Heironeous she composes herself and walks over to the group (placing her hand on Jacks shoulder).
"Greetings Brothers. I am Amber guardian of this place. Thank you for bringing the boy to us."
*Gesturing to Jack / Naylen while offering a slight bow*
Amber makes a comment while laughing about how ridiculous is for followers of Heironeous to be hiding in a hole, an attempt at breaking the social ice. Amber must have been quite attractive in her day as even now you notice her charisma. She has a cunning air about her but also a strength that goes beyond the physical bodys limitations. Edited: Oliron on 6th Apr, 2010 - 5:12pm
Amber looks at the fast approaching storm. A large rain drops falls, then another.
Amber looks back to the group.
"Yes of course, please come inside." Amber retreats back inside the entrance. She waits for the party to enter fully then seal the entrance, pulling on a few levers.
After several seconds of complete darkness, a light sprouts up from Amber's lantern. She leads the group down a stone hallway, listening to Valdalen's description of the raven and lemures. Amber remains silent, you cannot see her facial expression, she is in front leading.
Just as Val finishes asking about the boy and the temple you arrive in a larger room. Four stone sarcophaguses are at the four corners of the room. Amber turns around letting the party fully enter the room.
"That is most unfortunate. The Devils have organized themselves quickly." Amber looks to Naylen.
"What was in the backpack Naylen?"
Naylen responds, "A cookbook, the devils are looking for the Tomb of Gates. Grumar wanted to give Tobolar more time."
Amber frowns, Naylen begins to giggle.
"It sounds like Grumar used you as a decoy. He must have put a book in the backpack to make it appear that you had the magical one."
Amber walks over to another lever and pulls. A stone door slides open, revealing stairs that lead downward. She walks inside letting the party in, then pulls on another lever closing the stone slab. There is a grating sound, followed by a resounding thud of it locking in place.
"Nargoz has a hand in this, I swear! Risking a boy's life, really! One of these times that man is going to be out foxed." Amber's face is noticeably red even in the dim light.
Amber continues, leading the party down the stairs. The air smells of stale dirt and is damp.
"It has been foreseen Naylen will be a great hero. He should not have been used as a pawn though, I will see to it that he never is again. Naylen is safe now, that's all that matters. Though I suspect that once the devils figure out what they let slip threw their fingers they will be sorely vexed. You have definitely chosen your side in this war." Amber looks back grinning.
Arriving at the bottom of the stairs after about 60 feet, you enter a room exactly like the first. Except three tunnels lead off in opposite directions. One to your left, one to your right, and one strait ahead.
She shows the party to their "quarters", which basically consists of some straw matts on the stone floor. She invites the group to dinner once they have settled in.
The area you walked threw to get to your room had several tunnels and rooms. Amber explained where each tunnel went and what certain rooms are for in short. You can find your way to the dinning chamber with ease once you are settled. Edited: Oliron on 7th Apr, 2010 - 10:18pm
"Sir Valdalen" makes herself as presentable as possible and makes sure she has a good idea of the direction to the other characters' rooms, and the main rooms, but also wanders briefly a few yards down a random corridor but not far enough to get lost - not yet anyway. But finally will return and go to the dinner when it sounds like it is about time, and exhibit proper genteel nobility table manners.