As the party approaches Klagek, they must stop a half hour before the gate to decide what course they will take, in regards to their captive. It seems the consensus becomes that Aive will remain outside the town guarding the goblin while the rest of the party enters to resupply and deliver the books to Grumar. Aive you can enter the city after the others return so as far as getting goods figure you are in the town with them. This way you both get resupplied and the goblin remains watched.
The party (save the rouge and goblin) enter Klagek tired and worn out from the road. A few hours remain until night.
It should be stated Lwentano has made it clear he cares not for the goblin (information or not) and would prefer it terminated.
Edited: Oliron on 29th Apr, 2010 - 3:04am
The party makes a stop at the Heironeous temple where Grumar resides. They approach him within the temple and Val questions him. He thanks the party for the books, explaining he will need them in his research. Grumar seems to be weary and worn down, yet has fortitude enough.
"This war between the Devils and us has been going on for countless years. Whether or not they have the Tomb of Gates the devils will open a gate, if they have not already. Keeping the Tomb from them is only a move to slow them down.", Grumar paces running his fingers threw his long grey beard a few times.
"I wanted Naylen to study with Sister Amber because Naylen is a brilliant student who we have found to have a pure heart. He is the ideal student for those within the catacombs at Jorine. The journey you took, also threw the devils off a little, from your story of the raven. I admit that was part of the plan I apologize for that. Good to see you are as capable in battle as I thought.", Grumar stops pacing.
Grumar turns to face the party, "It sounds as if the devils have moved into the goblins caves. Like you say the goblins tribe boss is convinced if he attacks the human settlements, the devils will return the goblins brethren back to the tribe. This is of course not true and I'll bet the devils are using goblin bodies to create lemures."
He goes on to explain how lemures are created by taking a recently dead individual and performing some evil spell on the corpse. A cocoon soon encases the body and after a short time a lemure emerges. The raven they saw, and the one the goblin described, was an imp in raven form.
He thanks the party several times for their efforts and asks them to continue the fight against the devils. Grumar suggests traveling to the goblins caves a possible destination for the party but admits he is not sure what Heironeous's path is for them.
If they intend to explore the caves they will need to cross a the river to the west of Klagek (called Blatuk River). Taking the ferry across might be best but once they travel north they need to cross Blatuk River once more. Another option might be to walk north first into Shaderoot and cross Blatuk from there. Either way once on the other side of Blatuk you will arrive at the Cavall Hills. That is where the goblin caves are located.
Grumar also adds the area there is wild and dangerous to travel threw. The goblins that used to reside there are known as the Blackhood Goblins, those are the same that they fought here north of Klagek. They are known for their ambush tactics that have been the end for many adventurers.
Grumar then apparently done speaking begins to go back to his duties as it is almost time to sleep. He politely apologizes for this but adds if the group returns tomorrow he may have more time to answer any more questions. The old dwarf says a short blessing to the PC's, bows, then leaves.
Lwentano, Valdalyn, and Gabriel have reached level 2. Please post what skills you have increased and HP increases. Also any new feats or like information that I would need.
Edited: Oliron on 29th Apr, 2010 - 7:10pm
Are you getting any supplies from town Aive. Are you remembering to add your luck stone bonus to the rolls? Addressing Gabriel's question before (and this one) the goblin is male and his name is Gefuth, sorry about that. Aive I'm thinking you will need to camp outside the town with the goblin for the night.
Gabriel and Val return to relieve Aive for a half hour or so, that way he can resupply. Meanwhile Lwentano is selling off some goods, still in town. The town gates will be shut for the night within the next 2 hours. Valdalyn shares with Aive, Grumar's information. Aive springs into action, releasing the goblin while spinning his tale.
Gefuth's listens as well as he can while his bonds are untied. The human is speaking so quickly in a different dialect (even if you are speaking goblin his goblin is probably a different form) and his intelligence is so limited Gefuth understand little of what is said. Think of a television salesman speaking to you very quickly with an accent in your native language after you have just woken up.
He seems to become very interested at the word hero.
Gefuth nods his head, "Gefuth go with you, he become hero."
As far as you can tell Gefuth appears to be sincere.
At the market Lwentano overhears about 2 separate suicides recently. They were both gruesome in details. One of them gouging out their own eyes before jumping off a roof (a middle aged man). The other biting into their own flesh causing death by blood loss (an old lady). Both were found in the early morning. The coroner's thought is they killed themselves shortly after waking that morning though he cannot be sure. Strangely they smelt of decay and their blood was black. Yet they must have died more recently because people saw them just the night before, and their bodies were not stiff. Lastly their faces were frozen as in a horrific visage.
Wanting to keep things running smoothly: The party has not actually decided if they want to go to Cavall Hills, or search for the rouge goblins in Shaderoot. The goblin has no weapon or armor as far as I know. I think the group still has a morning star or two in Lwentano's possession though. One last thing, I know I just asked not a day ago but just a reminder. I need the new statistics for Gabriel and Valdalyn's new level.
Edited: Oliron on 30th Apr, 2010 - 6:40pm
I posted my updated character info in the Character Thread and my profile.
Base Attack Bonus now +2:
Total Melee Attack Bonus is +2 (BAB 2 + Str Bon 0) - +3 w/ +1 sword in Off.
Total Ranged Attack Bonus is +3 (BAB 2 + Dex Bon +1)
I got a 6 for HP increase to a total of 18
AC 16 (10+/DexBon1/+/Scale4/+/Shield1/) - 17 w/ +1 sword in Def.
I gained 2 skill lvs, used 1 for concentration, 1 for religion
+1 Fort Save
Divine Grace Feat ups all Saves by +1
Lay on Hands may heal up to 4HP per day
Aive returns from the town, relieving the rest of the party from watching Gefuth. He understands the state (and information) the party is in.
Gabriel quietly states he feels he must stay with Grumar. He leave the party and disappears within Klagek, apologizing to Val.
Lwentano almost kills the goblin before being told Gefuth is apparently with the paty now. He is not happy at all with this turn of events, stating he wants to kill him.
Val wonders why Heironeous has played such a trick on her.
Val and Lwentano retire to an Inn for the night paying 1 gp each. Aive and Gefuth camp outside the city.
The sun rises on a new day, waiting for the people of the world to go about their business. It is damp and the sky is dark, it looks like rain today.
Aive has given Gefuth leather armor, a morning star, and 3 javelins.
Does the party take the ferry or travel north?
After a night at the Bear Moon Inn, Lwentano and Val meet back up with Aive outside. The party has resupplied and is setting off north towards Shaderoot Forest. Gabriel has decided to stay with Grumar and study with him briefly, looking into the mysterious suicides in town. Gefuth keeps quite, starting to realize how precarious his position is within the party.
Two wagons full of wood pass the PC's heading south towards Klagek. Otherwise the day's travel goes by without note. The day is overcast all day, grey and dreary. The group arrives at the entrance to Shaderoot tired and needing to camp.
Would the party camp within the burnt out farmhouse, under the oak tree, or some other place?
The party wakes up to a new day unhindered. The night was chilly and the sky is still overcast. Shaderoot Forest stands before you ominously, dark and foreboding. You pick up camp easily and start off into the woods. It swallows you up quickly, leaving little light to come threw to the forest floor.
Aive you have gathered from the goblin that there are around 30 goblins left from his tribe that he knows of. The whole Blackhood tribe travels threw the forest never staying in one place for more than a few days. Gefuth also states he is looking forward to being helpful to the group. As far as you can tell he it telling the truth. Your fairly certain he is being honest because he isn't intelligent enough to tell a believable lie.
Once the party gets a little off the beaten path, you can see why the forest is named Shaderoot. The trees roots wind about the surface of the forest floor making traveling difficult at times. You continuously must watch your footing or trip. The PC's also begin to notice the many native animals are very abundant, but equally shy.
The temperature within the forest is near 10 degrees cooler than outside of it and the air is damp. Considering the temperature when you entered the forest was around 70 degrees. You would be a tad chilled, but at the moment the trek threw the woods is enough of a work out to keep your bodies at a comfortable temperature. The smell of dirt overpowers almost everything here. Like eating a dish that has to mutch salt on it.