As the fell creatures approach Del takes a step back (5' adjustment) and fires at a lemure not yet engaged in hand to hand combat (to avoid penalty of firing into melee). [attack roll = 16 (10+6); damage = 11 (7 + 4)]
Myrrani moves back 30 feet, and fires a magic missile at the nearest, most injured, living lemure.
1d4+1: 2
Aive will step up next to Val and take the full defensive, maybe he can not hurt these beasts but he can hold them back while the archers mow them down. AC becomes 20
Valdalen holds the attack, not wanting to charge into melee while there are hails of deadly arrows flying through the air toward the enemy. "Way to... Shoot." finishes the Paladin lamely as missiles arc and drive into the enemy.
Lwentano nods in satisfaction as the two drop from his arrows. He readies another arrow and takes aim. He is hoping to fell a good amount of these creatures so they can further investigate this cave. He thinks to himself it figures the cowardly goblin would run as he spies the goblin running away.
Round 3:
Lwentano has let loose his arrows already having dropped 2 lemures. This leaving 4 to stumble forward over their dead counterparts. They are still just out of range.
Del releases another arrow and hits a lemure. Amazingly the non magical arrow disappears into its chest. Leaving a hole were black goop seeps out.
Myranni randomly fires off her own missile, picking the one of the three lemures that looks the closest to death. Her magic missile strikes the same lemure as Del. The lemure plops to the cave floor like a wet blanket.
Round 4: final round
Lwentano releases 2 more arrows, killing two more lemures. Leaving one last lemure. The party watches as the pathetic thing lurches forward towards them. It walks over the caltrops and trips on the rope. Landing face first in front of Val. The valiant paladin sighs as her courageous stance against evil has turned into this sad display. She shrugs grasping her glowing blade with both hands, thrusting it downwards into the lemures back.
The smell of rotting vegetation coming from the pile of dead lemures is almost more than the players can take. The vile things skins begins to deteriorate before the groups eyes. Leaving only a large puddle of swampy mush.
All the lemures are dead. The party can see no further hostile targets. The battle is over. Edited: Oliron on 12th Jun, 2010 - 6:33pm
Myrrani casts Light on a stick/stone she picks up nearby, and looks about the cave with interest.
1d20: 19, 7
1d12: 5, 11
"Well fought!" Del covers his face with his clothing to mask the horrid smell and examines the cave. "I shall look for any additional tracks and other passageways in this cave." [Survival roll = 18 (13+5); Search roll = 25 (19+6)]
(Some unmodified for whoever for whatever.
19 16 8 20 9 7 16 6)
The cave goes back some 80 feet from the entrance, it is 120 feet wide. The shape of the room is almost that of a circle. In the middle of the room the ceiling is at its highest, your guessing probably 50 feet high. The surface of the floor is that of rock and it has been shaped some by previous inhabitants, adding a smoothness.
No tracks are found in the area but signs of goblin activity litter the area. A crude drawing here, droppings in a corner there. A small piles of various bones that have been whittled on, in the process of becoming a necklace.
Two barrels are found fairly well hidden in a recess of the cave. They had been covered by a large pile of dirty clothes. The two barrels are near full of oil. (A total of 18 gallons of oil.)
At the very back of the cave is a passageway. The ceiling within is 10 feet, the tunnel curves to the right after 15 feet.
Is the rope and caltrop trap staying, or are you taking it down? Edited: Oliron on 13th Jun, 2010 - 6:12pm
Aive takes down the rope and spends a little time picking up every caltrop carefully.
He eye's the oil as it could be very useful, thinking for a second he then goes and fills up 2 flask and spends a round preparing one with a fuse of sorts.
He then proceeds down the tunnel at the back with the light following behind him, he will peer around the corner and if he doesn't see or hear anything will continue down that corridor too.
Once around the tunnels curve, the ceiling quickly drops to just over 5 feet. The width of the tunnel shortens to just under 4 feet. The tunnel goes back another 45 feet that you can see, ending at a dead end. This narrow tunnel is more jagged, parts of the rock wall protrude here and there. Though the protrusions have become smooth over time. (A medium sized player will have to squeeze to get threw here.)
You continue a little further down the corridor, cautiously. Once about 10 feet in you see two more passages connect to the tunnel, 5 feet ahead. One to the left and one to the right. You also spot at the dead end (35 feet away now), strait ahead, a hole.
You hear no odd sound or see anything other than this.
I am not sure if you wanted to continue on squeezing threw. However I wanted you to know there is a crossroads and the full description of the tunnel. You would not have been able to see the tunnels to the right and left without moving in a bit, or the hole at the dead end.
I would like to go examine the hole, 23 on search check, also moving silently now 20
while passing the crossroads I will look down each path.
Once you begin to look about you see a small stone out of place, that is crammed in a nook at the crossroads. The stone, floor level, has a very thin wire pinched behind it. The wire heads down the left corridor and back from were you came.
You are able to continue to move down the corridor straight ahead. The passage to the left and right are pitch black. At the end of the tunnel (at the dead end) you are barley able to make out (what you think is) an old ladder leading down into the hole. Edited: Oliron on 16th Jun, 2010 - 7:10am