On a rather unoriginal note, I suppose I'll begin with, "Hello". I've always lived in a small town, a community of mostly farmers, so it's been ridiculously difficult to get an actual game of D&D going here. The few games I HAVE had had ended up like Dr. Demento's representation of the game. I've always liked D&D because it is an extremely creative and inventive game. It allows me to use my mind in ways that I would not be able to in everyday life, and I appreciate that.
Chances are that if I split my intro into little pieces, people are more likely to read each piece as opposed to one big block, so here goes. I have always loved science, anime and manga, D&D, comics, video games (Mostly RPGs), Reading, and pretty much anything you could be called a nerd for. Surprisingly, I have not been unpopular through school. I am quick to make friends, friendly in nature, and humorous. Being aware of social protocol and societal norms has also helped. Looking at life as if it were a game itself has it's advantages. Some may call this being manipulative. I call it being smart.
While I'm not the smartest person that ever lived, I'm certainly above average around where I live. I have a feeling I'll be placed somewhere in the "Average" area in this community, though. I've always taken advanced classes and for the most part enjoyed them.
I hope to be a regularly active member of this community if my hectic life will allow, so I'll be seeing you around.
Welcome Ta Ye Ole' Forum!
So, Ye be seeking Adventure eh? Ye be one after meh own heart. Meh mates have cut down several dragons in times past and we be always in serious need of an extra hand fer deeper darker dungeons of brilliant gold. Friend, get ready, cause we got to test yer abilities.
We be havin' two, count em' two types of Medieval Play By Post here:
Here's the FIRST one: If ye be looking to get started with Dungeons & Dragons Play by Post then go AD&D Rules for the Thread that gives you the steps (Check first Post) AD&D here allows you to start participating right away once your character is approved by the Dungeon Master.
Note: One of the adventurers wrote this helpful "how to" down fer thee, do have a read over of it eh'.
Here's the SECOND one: If ye be looking to join 'The World of Medieval' (Custom Play by Post) then thou needest a minimum of 30 Constructive Posts within this here Community. Keep thy level of activity at 75% too, we be needed active adventurers here not those that sit and play with child toys. Get started, select a Board, a Topic and then share thy views until ye have yer 30 Posts under thy belt then return here and request RPGer Status.
These links may also be proven useful to such dragon slayers as thyself:
Read --> Posting Policy | See All Boards | Site Map | FAQ | RPG Listing page.
Ah. Thank you. Been doing a LOT of reading today. I've actually already read the Newcomer F.A.Q top to bottom. I'm thinking of playing a monster as a race if I'm permitted. It'd be a nice change. I'm still a little lost, but I tend to catch on to things quickly. I'll just read up on things a bit more.
I may have to finish up tomorrow, though. I've had a lot of homework from classes lately. Especially in Calculus.
Oh. Okay. I just get frustrated when I'm given set limits, like the character generator, and I have the ability to create a class and race on my own that are not overpowered, but better fit my play style. I'm not complaining, though. I don't want to be misunderstood. I just like doing things no-one has done before. For example, I was hoping I would be able to play the race "Shadar-Kai", or "Eladrin" and a modified "Ninja" or "Shadow scout" class. But I can probably do just as well with a halfling rouge.