Mate in Four Moves
Do you know how to Check Mate in Four Moves within the game of Chess?
Is it possible, I have heard of it, but I have never seen it. It's sort of an urban legend among chess players in my area. If it is possible, I'd like to see how it''s done.
The move is generally made with your Queen and one Bishop attacking the King side Pawn and calling mate, but this is of course based on the other player making moves that will not stop it. This is best done on someone who has not yet mastered the rudiments of Chess.
Nothing better the a 4 Move mate against a beginer. they inspire to be just like you.
The pawn infront of you king move spaces forward.
The Bishop move diagonally as far as (attack line 1 space infront of enemy bishop next to the king)
The Queen diagonal on the opposite side to the same sort of angle.
The queen moves in to take the pawn with the bishop stopping the king from taking the queen.
Alot easier to describe if I had a board infront of me and you sat next to me. but if my memory serves right, this is the 4 moves to kill an enemy
Chess is far from my forte I have seen this done and done it. I have not touch a chess board in over 20 years. Was never very good at either, checkers made more sense to me. Perhaps if some one else I now had played it around me when I was younger.
Name: S
Comments: It is possible for black to mate in 2 moves:
1. F3 e5 2. G4 Qh4#
Description: White moves his pawn in front of the bishop next to his king one or two steps. Black moves his kingpawn one or two steps. White moves his pawn in front of the knight on the king' side 2 steps and the black queen comes to h4 (diagonally to the rook-file on the kingside) and mates the king.
The four move mate described above is the scholars mate, which is taught to beginners both as an example of how to checkmate, but also to make them aware that there can be early threats that needs to be avoided.