I feel pretty good with the -4 / -4. I wanted to allow two weapon fighting for bows and there seems to be no set rule for that. I get the base attack thing but this is something different. Also after looking at the statistics for two weapon fighting style I saw that there are less penalties for a light weapon. Also it is not actually a weapon in both hands being moved in different ways. In this case it is a single weapon being used in a two weapon style. Thus I thought the penalties to your accuracy should be reduced.
Sorry but I'm a bit curious how we are killing these when they have 5 damage reduction? Has someone got silver weapons?
Also I'm pretty sure magical or not if its immune to fire then the fire doesn't hurt it. For the same reason some of cleric spells specify how much of the damage is fire and how much is holy for those sort of purposes.
From the SRD:
"Damage Reduction (Ex or Su): A creature with this special quality ignores damage from most weapons and natural attacks. Wounds heal immediately, or the weapon bounces off harmlessly (in either case, the opponent knows the attack was ineffective). The creature takes normal damage from energy attacks (even nonmagical ones), spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. A certain kind of weapon can sometimes damage the creature normally..."
Burning Hands is a spell. I think this says it still works, but maybe I'm just misinterpreting that.
Yea burning hands gets past the damage reduction but not the fire resistance, magic missile will get passed both and work as its not fire damage.
Also magic items don't get passed this damage reduction, only good/siver will get passed a Lemure's DR
So really on a good shot we are only doing about 2 or three damage I think, if we are lucky.
Look it up if you want, but I reckon the ones that are dead let them lay dead but maybe apply it to the ones we haven't hit yet.
I did try to ask people to prepare but Aive having not faced them before couldn't act on knowledge he didn't have.
(I haven't read any of the story before I entered the game, sorry if thats bad but I thought it's better for my character and it was quicker)
Edited: testsubject1 on 12th Jun, 2010 - 6:30pm
Wow I really messed that one up. Darn it, that is embarrassing. I always thought magic weapons bypassed damage reduction no matter what.
Should we all take a level of ranger for Preferred Enemy (Devil) or something? Just kidding. I just hope Val is capable of some sort of buff-your-weapons-to-do-good-alligned-damage or something. Also, I may need to take a new damaging spell once I acquire second level spells...
Hmm... I'm going to look into either multiclassing or taking a prestige class, depending on what the SRD has available. I am, of course, assuming that we are limited to SRD knowledge, rather than, maybe, Oliron owning any other source books and including them.
Due to the copyright laws I think the only information we can use is here on the site. Sadly I don't own any 3.5 ADnD books. If the book your talking about it freely released by TSR for free use, I think it can be used. You would have to double check with Jay Bee on that one though.