I want everyone to use their maximum amount of hp when figuring hp. Instead of rolling just use the maximum amount that would be given. Still factor in negatives for a low constitution score, but otherwise give yourselves the max roll.
I think it rounds out the players better. Since we have a small group and people come and go so much. I think it would be better for tanks to have tank hp. Also for mages to not get stomped by a gust of wind. Edited: Oliron on 31st Aug, 2010 - 6:20am
Asking blanket questions or giving summarized actions will produce like responses from me. If specific questions are asked it is likely I will provide specific information. When I have to post a large amount of information I summarize otherwise the response will be very, very long and probably needlessly so. If you have a particular question or action please post it. I will try my best to reveal more details if possible.
As stated I do this because if every detail was given my post would probably be an entire page or more, not very practical. Please though if a bit of information has been given and you feel there is more you need to know please ask.
I might not be able to give more information but most of the time I will, or at least drop a hint. Edited: Oliron on 16th Sep, 2010 - 9:14am
As of now every starting character will begin with a mutation as well as a mundane magical item.
Mutations are just that, a mutation to your characters body in some form. The subject of the mutation will have some visible sign of the mutation. For instance Myranni (a dryad) has the mutation of regeneration. The benefit is that if her arm is cut off it can grow back or if she goes to -9hp she can eventually come back to life. The side effect is that her bark continues to grow beyond what it is supposed to. It grows at a very slow rate but every few weeks she must "trim" herself or be at risk of becoming a tree eventually. The trimming is painful and near that of pulling off a scab.
Another example would be if a character had a mutation that raised their ac. Their skin might take on a stone like quality. It could be brittle and flake off at random times causing noise to be made. The character might find themselves hungering for rocks and needing to swallow pebbles. If the mutation progresses to far they might become petrified, possibly.
The mutation can be stopped and eventually reversed by a grub known commonly as Gurtems. They are expensive though and only one person in Klagek has a steady supply as of now.
All that is known about the origin or cause of the mutation is that it showed up a few days after the iron golem / lemure attack on the town. A high mage is not revealing what exactly caused it but he claims that Grumar and his priests played a significant role.
Something within the threads or fabrics of magic in the area have been tainted somehow. The high mage has taken residence in Nargoz's tower and is currently looking further into it.
I have been giving thought to the question, "what if my character dies". Would you retain your level or start at level one. Would you have any of your gold or would you have to start again from scratch.
So in this way of thinking I am going to allow every character to have a protege. The protege is a sort of henchman. They do not cost any gold and you do not need to role play them. It is more of a back up character, in the case of your characters death they take on your remaining gold (if it is stored at a location they know of). Also the protege retains two thirds of your original characters experience.
To create a protege simply post the name, race, and class in the dark calling character advancement thread. If you want to draw up the entire character please post it in the dark calling characters thread. At the top of the character put the word protege or backup character in somewhere, so that it is clear this is your backup character.
Further if you want to role play an interaction between your character and the backup character when in town that is fine.
For example: Minn has a protege in Klagek. Her name is Yonn, she is half elvan, and is a cleric. Now if Minn dies the gold he has stored in the bank goes to Yonn. If she can prove he is dead or a predetermined amount of time goes by. Also if Minn is a level 3 rouge then Yonn will start somewhere around level 2. When Minn is in town he makes an effort to spend his free time with Yonn. Sharing with her stories of his adventures and showing her tricks he has learned the hard way. Edited: Oliron on 29th Jan, 2011 - 8:24pm